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Resources Search Results for: covid vaccination

167 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 61 - 70:

61. Exploring Perceived Risk for COVID-19 and Its Role in Protective Behavior and COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Qualitative Study after the First Wave
Date: Mar 2022

Presents a study on the perceived risk of COVID-19 among rural Kentuckians during the first wave of the pandemic. Explores attitudes about protective behavior and vaccine hesitancy. Bases conclusions on interviews conducted by phone between July 3rd and July 24th of 2020.

...COVID-19 and Its Role in Protective Behavior and COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Qualitative...

62. COVID-19 Cases and Vaccination Rates
Date: Sep 2021

Data brief examining the relationship between vaccination rates, COVID-19 one-week incidence, and metropolitan or nonmetropolitan location, using data on confirmed COVID-19 cases from August 29, 2021 – September 4, 2021 and vaccination data as of August 15, 2021. Features statistics on total case rates and vaccination percentages, with breakdowns by census regions, select states, and metropolitan or nonmetropolitan location.

...COVID-19 Cases and Vaccination Rates --- Data brief examining the relationship between vaccination rates, COVID...

63. COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Campaign
Date: 2022

Toolkit to support rural community-based groups, faith-based organizations, businesses, healthcare organizations, and others to develop communication materials to promote vaccine confidence. Offers customizable templates for print ads, posters, brochures, social media posts, and an online resource guide.

...COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Campaign --- Toolkit to support rural community-based groups, faith-based organizations...

64. Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Health Care Personnel — United States, 2021–22
Date: Oct 2022

Reports on influenza, primary COVID-19, and COVID-19 booster coverage among healthcare personnel during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 flu seasons. Includes data by primary workplace location for rural and nonrural areas.

...COVID-19 booster coverage among healthcare personnel during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 flu seasons. Includes data by primary workplace location for rural and nonrural areas. --- View more Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination...

65. COVID-19 Vaccines: Audience Insights & Messaging Guidance for Rural Communities
Date: Jun 2021

Examines rural residents' perspectives and concerns about vaccines, so that business leaders can respond to employee questions and effectively share vaccine facts. Includes suggested messages and links for additional resources.

...vaccines, so that business leaders can respond to employee questions and effectively share vaccine facts. Includes suggested messages and links for additional resources. --- View more COVID...

66. Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Between Urban and Rural Counties — United States, December 14, 2020–April 10, 2021
Date: May 2021

Examines rural and urban vaccination coverage among adults 18 years and older, with data for each state, excluding Hawaii and 8 California counties. Includes data by sex and by age group for those 18-64 and those 65 and older. Discusses vaccination coverage differences.

...vaccination coverage differences. --- View more Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Between Urban and Rural...

67. Native Americans And COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Pathways Toward Increasing Vaccination Rates For Native Communities
Date: Jul 2021

Highlights vaccination rates, hesitancy, and barriers in Native American communities. Discusses methods of improving vaccination rates in Native nations, including messaging to combat hesitancy.

...COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Pathways Toward Increasing Vaccination Rates For Native Communities --- Highlights vaccination rates...

68. Impact of Healthcare Capacity Disparities on the COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage in the United States: A Cross-Sectional Study
Date: Dec 2022

Examines the impact of the local healthcare capacity on vaccination coverage disparities in the U.S. at the county level. Identifies clustered low-vaccination areas in 17 states. Compares healthcare capacity, including social vulnerability, vaccine hesitancy, and medical doctors per capita, between low-vaccination and high-vaccination counties.

...vaccination areas in 17 states. Compares healthcare capacity, including social vulnerability, vaccine hesitancy, and medical doctors per capita, between low-vaccination and high-vaccination counties. --- View more Impact of Healthcare Capacity Disparities on the COVID...

69. Trajectory of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Over Time and Association of Initial Vaccine Hesitancy With Subsequent Vaccination
Date: Sep 2021

Assesses the association between baseline vaccine hesitancy and vaccine receipt at study follow-up, using data from 3,439 participants surveyed between August-December 2020 and again between March-April 2021. Also explores the validity of vaccine self-report. Features demographic statistics with breakdowns by metropolitan or nonmetropolitan location.

...COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Over Time and Association of Initial Vaccine Hesitancy With Subsequent Vaccination...

70. COVID-10 Vaccines: Studying Historical Successes (and Failures) for Equity-Centered Approaches to Vaccinating Indigenous Communities, Undocumented Immigrants, and Communities of Color: Proceedings of a Workshop--In Brief
Date: 2022

Proceedings of a public webinar focused on previous historical efforts to vaccinate people, highlighting what was successfully and what was unsuccessful. Panelists include the incident commander for managing COVID-19 on the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the chief medical officer for Alaska, a researcher with the Farmworker Association of Florida, the director of emergency social medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, and a professor at the Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy.

...COVID-10 Vaccines: Studying Historical Successes (and Failures) for Equity-Centered Approaches to Vaccinating Indigenous...