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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 621 - 630:

621. Educational Intervention to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Rural Patients with Chronic Diseases: Lessons Learned from An Innovative Academic–Community Partnership - Resources
Date: Jan 2024

Results of a study using an educational intervention to increase vaccine knowledge and vaccine acceptance in rural patients with chronic diseases in West Virginia. Uses data from an academic–community partnership comprising researchers, practitioners, community organizations, community-engaged partners, and patient stakeholders.

...Community and faith-based initiatives · Diabetes · Mental health conditions · Networking and collaboration · Vaccination · West Virginia...

622. Listening to Rural Stories: Q&A with Alisa Druzba - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Nov 25, 2020

Alisa Druzba, director of the New Hampshire's Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, discusses her journey to becoming a SORH director, the ways her state has been affected by the pandemic, and the favorite parts of her job. - The Rural Monitor

...diabetes outcomes, we're going to help them figure out specific towns that those patients...

623. Leading Causes of Death and Health Disparities Among the American Indian and Alaska Native Population in Arizona - Resources
Date: 2021

Highlights the health disparities and major causes of death faced by American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities in Arizona to serve as a guide for tribal leaders and organizations when developing programs focused on improving AI/AN health. Includes information and data derived from Arizona population health and vital statistics, United States Census Bureau, and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) on chronic disease, causes of death, and behavioral risk factors for AI/AN populations.

...Diabetes · Health disparities · Injuries · Mortality · Statistics and data · Suicide and suicide prevention · Wellness, health promotion...

624. Williamson, WV: 2014 Culture of Health Prize Winner - Resources
Date: Jun 2014

Describes a rural community effort to improve both the health and the economy of a region that once prospered from the coal industry. Veteran coal miners banded together to modify a historic building to house the Williamson Health and Wellness Center, which started out as a free clinic and is now designated as a Federally Qualified Health Center. Discusses the Health Innovation Hub event where entrepreneurial initiatives are presented and experts are available to help develop new businesses and healthy enterprises. Williamson, WV is a recipient of the 2014 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Culture of Health Prize.

...Diabetes · Economics and the economy · Federally Qualified Health Centers · Food security and nutrition · Wellness, health...

625. The State of Our Health: A Statewide Health Assessment of Pennsylvania, August 2023 Update - Resources
Date: Aug 2023

Identifies specific health challenges in Pennsylvania and indicates where the largest improvements can be made. Features sections on social determinants of health, access to care, substance use, chronic diseases, mental health, maternal and infant health, injury and violence prevention, infectious diseases and immunization, Health Professional Shortage Areas, and environmental health. Includes references to rural throughout.

...Diabetes · Environmental health · Food security and nutrition · HIV and AIDS · Health disparities · Health workforce shortage...

626. Promising Approaches to Integrating Community Health Workers into Health Systems: Four Case Studies - Resources
Date: Dec 2013

Identifies the scope of practice, supervision, financing, and the workforce standards implemented by states and employers in the development of community health worker (CHW) programs. Four case studies that include rural counties illustrate the challenges and opportunities for integrating CHWs into health systems.

...Diabetes · Health workforce education and training · Home and community-based services · Medicaid · Wellness, health promotion...

627. "Doing Something Exceptional": Rural Communities and Colorectal Cancer Screening - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jul 12, 2017

Colorectal cancer stands out as a cancer with increased incidence and mortality rates in rural areas – rates that are likely influenced by lack of screening. Using different approaches, two rural healthcare organizations in Idaho and Kentucky show how they are saving lives by improving colorectal cancer screening rates in their communities. - The Rural Monitor

...diabetes control. We learned, while working to make colon cancer a core topic, that we were...

628. Population Considerations for Emergency Preparedness and Response - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Nov 14, 2022

Describes considerations for specific populations in rural areas related to emergency preparedness and response.

...diabetes, high blood pressure, twin gestation, and preterm labor, may need additional support services. Parents...

629. Rural–Urban Health Disparities among US Adults Ages 50 and Older - Resources
Date: Oct 2021

Report examining health disparities for Americans ages 50 and older by rural/urban location and by race/ethnicity. Analyzes rates of healthcare access, health behaviors, and chronic health conditions based on 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data.

...Diabetes · Elderly population · Health disparities · Obesity and weight control · Racial and ethnic groups · Rural-urban...

630. Lakewood Engage Tackles Food Insecurity in Rural Minnesota - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Dec 23, 2020

To address the issue of food insecurity in the rural Minnesota communities it serves, Lakewood Health System created Lakewood Engage, a community-based program with multiple initiatives including a "Food Farmacy," home delivery, and a farmers market. - The Rural Monitor

...diabetic. Because of the relationship built over time with the patient, who may come in as often...