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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: hispanic

590 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 51 - 60:

51. Assessing Diabetes and Factors Associated with Foregoing Medical Care among Persons with Diabetes: Disparities Facing American Indian/Alaska Native, Black, Hispanic, Low Income, and Southern Adults in the U.S. (2011-2015) - Resources
Date: May 2017

Identifies trends in care of and prevalence of diabetes in terms of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, and explores individual and community factors related to diabetes and diabetics' unmet medical needs. Features statistics on percentages of adults diagnosed with diabetes from 2011-2015 and distribution of diabetes and foregone medical care, with breakdowns including race or ethnicity, income, and levels of rurality.

...Hispanic, Low Income, and Southern Adults in the U.S. (2011-2015) --- Identifies trends in care...

52. The United States Is Becoming More Racially Diverse – And so Is Rural America - Resources
Date: Sep 2021

Analyzes initial data from the 2020 Census on race and ethnicity in rural America. Compares changes in race and ethnicity in rural areas between 2000 through 2020. Offers maps of the top two most prevalent race or ethnicity groups by county in 2020. Includes 6 other maps showing county-level population data in 2010 and 2020 for the following: White non-Hispanic, Hispanic, Black, Native American, Asian, and multi-race populations.

...Hispanic, Hispanic, Black, Native American, Asian, and multi-race populations. --- View more The United States...

53. Relation of Dietary Inorganic Arsenic to Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) at Different Threshold Concentrations of Tap Water Arsenic - Resources
Date: Sep 2016

Study examining the health impact of low-dose arsenic exposure from food and water in four communities along the Arizona-Mexico border. Includes Hispanic and non-Hispanic adults in the study.

...Hispanic and non-Hispanic adults in the study. --- View more Relation of Dietary Inorganic Arsenic...

54. Population Characteristics Release Updates: Explore the Estimates, County Population by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin - Resources
Date: Jul 2022

Visualization that provides detailed information on each county's age and sex structure and population by race and ethnicity, as well as total county population and median age.

...Hispanic Origin --- Visualization that provides detailed information on each county's age and sex structure...

55. Maternal Health Considerations for Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: May 17, 2021

Information on vulnerable minority populations in rural communities that may need additional consideration.

...Hispanic Black women will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime, as opposed to 31% of non-Hispanic...

56. Use of Preventive Services Among Hispanic Sub-Groups: Does One Size Fit All? - Resources
Date: Jul 2007

Examines the use of preventive health services among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and other Latinos and how nation of origin and rural residence influences the use of preventive services.

...Hispanic Sub-Groups: Does One Size Fit All? --- Examines the use of preventive health services...

57. Rural Population Gains Among Native Americans and Hispanics Have Offset Population Losses Among Whites and Blacks - Resources
Date: Jul 2019

Bar chart showing rural population change from 2012 through 2017 overall and by race/ethnicity.

...Hispanics Have Offset Population Losses Among Whites and Blacks --- Bar chart showing rural population change...

58. Increased Rates of Death from Unintentional Injury among Non-Hispanic White, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Non-Metropolitan Communities - Resources
Date: Jul 2022

Examines the rate of fatal and nonfatal injuries in non-metropolitan and metropolitan areas, and the association with race/ethnicity. Uses information from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey public use datafile for 2018. Features statistics including estimated rate of nonfatal unintentional injuries among people seeking treatment at hospitals, deaths from unintentional injuries, and age-adjusted death rates for all causes of unintentional injury from 2014-2018, with breakdowns by metropolitan and non-metropolitan location.

...Hispanic White, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Non-Metropolitan Communities --- Examines the rate of fatal and nonfatal...

59. Certain Medicare Beneficiaries, Such as Urban and Hispanic Beneficiaries, Were More Likely Than Others To Use Telehealth During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic - Resources
Date: Sep 2022

Data brief examining telehealth usage by Medicare beneficiaries during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, noting rural and urban differences, state-level trends, and usage by race/ethnicity and age according to Medicare Advantage and fee-for-service claims data. Offers policy recommendations and agency responses.

...Hispanic Beneficiaries, Were More Likely Than Others To Use Telehealth During the First Year of the COVID...

60. Rural Maternal Health Series: Engaging with Perinatal Quality Collaboratives for Rural Hospitals - RHIhub Webinar - Webinars
Date: Mar 26, 2024

Rural Maternal Health Series: Engaging with Perinatal Quality Collaboratives for Rural Hospitals. A webinar from the Rural Health Information Hub.

...Hispanic Black pregnancy related mortality is significantly higher than non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic American...