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Rural Health Information Hub

Toolkits Search Results for: diabetes

147 Toolkits webpages matched your search. Here are matches 51 - 60:

51. Dissemination Methods for Rural Chronic Disease Programs - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Jun 14, 2024

Learn more about common dissemination methods that rural chronic disease programs can use to share information about program outcomes.

...Diabetes Prevention Program to populations at risk for diabetes by demonstrating the program's effectiveness...

52. Common Comorbidities of COPD - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Oct 14, 2019

Overview of health conditions that may occur along with COPD and how these conditions can impact COPD treatment.

...Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome The prevalence of diabetes among COPD patients ranges from 10% to 19%; the prevalence...

53. Need for Addressing Chronic Disease in Rural Areas - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Jun 14, 2024

Learn about the need for addressing chronic diseases in rural areas of the U.S., including prevalence and risk factors.

...diabetes-related hospital deaths and only 62% of rural communities have access to diabetes self...

54. Telehealth Models for Increasing Access to Specialty Care - RHIhub Toolkit
Reviewed: Jun 8, 2023

Introduction to telehealth models that increase access to specialty care for rural communities.

...Diabetes Center and the Indian Health Service (IHS) to address diabetic retinopathy using remote surveillance...

55. Lake County Tribal Health Consortium, Inc. - RHIhub Chronic Disease Management Toolkit
Added: Jun 14, 2024

Lake County Tribal Health Consortium offers chronic disease and diabetes self-management programs for Native American and Latino populations in Lakeport, California.

...diabetes self-management programs for Native American and Latino populations in Lakeport, California. --- View more...

56. Importance of Sustainability Planning for Rural Chronic Disease Management Programs - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Jun 14, 2024

Learn how early sustainability planning and demonstrating program impact can be used to help sustain a rural chronic disease management program.

...diabetes self-management education and support. Making a business case for a rural chronic disease...

57. Populations that May Benefit from Community Paramedicine Programs - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Jul 16, 2020

Different populations that would particularly benefit from community paramedicine programs in their community, depending on the services that may be available.

...diabetes and hypertension reduce their blood pressure and blood sugar. Through this program, 62% of patients...

58. University of Maryland (UMD) Horowitz Center for Health Literacy - RHIhub Health Literacy Toolkit
Added: Sep 14, 2022

The Horowitz Center collaborates with partners to promote health literacy through research, education, and service projects with a special focus on vulnerable populations, including rural counties in Maryland.

...Diabetes Prevention Work – The Horowitz Center runs several projects to build knowledge about the importance...

59. Tri-County Health Network - Rural Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Toolkit
Reviewed: Jan 17, 2024

The Tri-County Health Network is integrating patient health navigators to support care coordination to help patients manage their chronic diseases, particularly heart disease and diabetes, and related social needs.

...diabetes, and related social needs. --- View more Tri-County Health Network Project Title: Integrated Patient...

60. Medication Management Models for Chronic Disease Management - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Jun 14, 2024

Learn more about promising approaches for medication management, including using community pharmacists to manage chronic disease in rural communities.

...diabetes and high blood pressure. Pharmacists who participate in the MTM Consortium focus on resolving...