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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 581 - 590:

581. North Dakota Health Care Professional Student Loan Repayment - Funding
Deadline: Mar 31, 2024

Loan repayment assistance for certain healthcare professionals who agree to practice in an underserved area of North Dakota.

...Health Deadlines Mar 31, 2024 Contact Kalee Werner 701.805.1071 Purpose The Health Care Professional Student Loan Repayment program offers matching loan repayment assistance to certain healthcare professionals who agree to practice in an underserved...

582. Aging in Place in Rural Communities – RHIhub Aging in Place Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jun 4, 2019

Provides a broad overview of issues related to aging in place specific to rural communities. or other reasons (such as household chores or transportation), and adult children were the largest group of caregivers. However, younger populations — prime-age workers aged 25 to 54 — are leaving rural communities...

583. Rural Maternal Health Series: Obstetric Readiness in Rural Facilities Without Birth Units - RHIhub Webinar - Webinars
Date: Apr 23, 2024

Rural Maternal Health Series: Obstetric Readiness in Rural Facilities Without Birth Units. A webinar from the Rural Health Information Hub. leaders to extend care beyond the 15-minute appointment and also pair with our public health nursing and community health aid programs. We actually just closed this funding opportunity, and we'll be announcing...

584. Con Alma Health Foundation: Health Equity and COVID Relief - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jan 13, 2021

Dolores E. Roybal, executive director of Con Alma Health Foundation, discusses how her foundation partnered with other funders to provide almost $2 million in grants and created an advisory committee of immigrant-led, immigrant-serving organizations to address barriers limiting access to services. - The Rural Monitor

...Health Foundation: Health Equity and COVID Relief Q&A with Dolores E. Roybal, executive director of Con Alma Health Foundation by Allee Mead The first of four articles in the series During Pandemic, Rural Health...

585. Community Paramedicine Models for Referrals for Social Services - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Jul 16, 2020

Information on community paramedicine programs that focus on connecting patients with resources for food, housing, transportation, and other social services. in rural communities, please visit the Social Determinants of Health in Rural Communities Toolkit . Examples of Referrals for Social Services from Rural Community Paramedicine Programs Tri-County Health Care EMS in Wadena, Minnesota, provides...

586. Online Screening Helps Michigan Men Gauge Mental Health - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jun 28, 2017

For the past few decades, suicide rates for working-aged men have been at a steep incline. Healthy Men Michigan is a unique campaign that evaluates the risk of depression and suicide in Michigan men through an anonymous online survey. Male-dominated industries and other organizations are drawn to the campaign's creative methods that appeal to working-aged men. - The Rural Monitor of workers, especially during down times," attested Elhart. Recent studies show that suicide rates are the highest in male-dominated industries of construction and extraction. Other industries with high rates of male suicide include...

587. Occupational Fall Safety Interventions - RHIhub Unintentional Injury Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Mar 27, 2024

Describes occupational fall safety interventions and examples of rural communities implementing interventions.

...Health Consultation Program (OSHCon) , based at the Boise State University campus, provides onsite consultation services and a DVD lending library of trainings. Implementation Considerations When developing or disseminating trainings, rural communities may need to consider...

588. Pulmonary Health in Rural America: Cause and Impact of Work-Related Lung Diseases - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Oct 4, 2017

What's in the air in the rural workplace? From grain dust to rock dust to hospital cleaning chemicals, all these particles have potential to cause chronic lung diseases. But, there are keys to prevention. - The Rural Monitor worker side of respiratory health and other occupational hazards, such as inhaled chemical exposures. "We have great collaborative networks, from our own organization's emergency teams, and the community...

589. Agricultural Safety and Health Pilot Projects Grants - Funding
Deadline: Feb 9, 2024

Grants to address health and safety issues related to agricultural workers and their families in the upper midwest region. and safety of agriculture workers and their families by bringing together multidisciplinary expertise to initiate new and innovative activities Eligibility Eligible applicants are investigators working in academic, government, community...

590. Service Area Competition - Additional Area Funding for Health Center Program (Areas Served with a Project Period Start Date of January 1, 2025) - Funding
Deadline: Aug 5, 2024

Funding to provide comprehensive primary healthcare services to an underserved area or population. Areas with an January 1, 2025 project period start date are eligible to apply.

...Community Health Centers (CHC), Migrant Health Centers (MHC), Health Care for the Homeless (HCH), and Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC). Applicants must serve an entire service area listed in HRSA's Service Area Announcement Table...