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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 561 - 570:

561. Patient Navigators - Rural Care Coordination Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Dec 26, 2018

Explore the how patient navigators provide care coordination. resources, provide education on health conditions, help to follow-up with providers, and guide patients across healthcare settings. Historically, patient navigators have supported patients with cancer , though patient navigation programs have expanded to focus...

562. Rural Women's Health Project (RWHP) - Organizations
Reviewed: Oct 18, 2023

Summary information for the organization Rural Women's Health Project, including related information from this organization listed on the RHIhub website.

...Health Project (RWHP) Link View Organization Website Description Works with community partners to design and implement community-based projects supporting health-education. Develops educational tools and materials, provides training, and advocates for lay-health worker...

563. Rural Nevada EMS Conference - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Jan 5, 2024

As a way for rural EMS personnel to receive low-cost, high quality training, the Rural Nevada EMS Conference offers continuing education units and engaging sessions for EMS personnel.

...communities and their roles in the safety and health of Nevadans as well as visitors traveling its isolated highways. Challenges EMS workers...

564. Violence Against Hospital Workers: Growing Awareness, Rural Interventions, and Why It Still Goes Unreported - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Sep 11, 2019

Healthcare workers are four times more likely to be seriously injured on the job than other professionals. Research, tools, and campaigns are equipping rural hospital leaders to better protect their employees and develop a culture of safety. - The Rural Monitor

...communities, the tendency is to associate healthcare workforce with treating the victims, not being the victims. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), healthcare and social assistance workers...

565. The Role of First Responders in Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response - RHIhub Toolkits - Toolkits
Added: Nov 14, 2022

Learn about the considerations for first responders in rural preparedness and response. insurance through their jurisdiction. The lack of health insurance may limit access to healthcare services or workers compensation coverage for issues related to their volunteer EMS roles. It is important that rural communities...

566. Healthcare-Based Programs – RHIhub Rural Early Childhood Health Promotion Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Feb 18, 2021

Features healthcare-based programs that target childhood health and overall positive health behaviors for rural families.

...Health Promotion Toolkit --- Features healthcare-based programs that target childhood health and overall positive health behaviors for rural families. --- View more Healthcare-Based Programs Early childhood health promotion programs implemented in healthcare settings can complement...

567. Rural Health Disparities Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Nov 28, 2022

Provides information on health disparities and the causes of these disparities in rural areas. Discusses rural versus urban mortality and life expectancy, and resources and programs to address rural health disparities. Provides information on regions throughout the U.S. that experience higher level of rural health disparities.

...communities face a myriad of issues that can affect population health and wellness, ranging from chronic poverty to a lack of stable medical care for migrant workers...

568. Rural Experiences for Health Professions Students (REHPS) - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Jul 27, 2023

A 4-week summer program placing health professions students in rural communities.

...Health Professions Students (REHPS) --- A 4-week summer program placing health professions students in rural communities. --- View more Rural Experiences for Health Professions Students (REHPS) Summary Need: An ongoing shortage of healthcare providers in rural...

569. Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration Model - RHIhub Mental Health Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: May 15, 2024

Learn about the primary care behavioral health integration model for improving access to rural mental health services.

...Health Systems serves several rural communities in Tennessee and is a national leader in primary care behavioral health integration. Cherokee embeds behavioral health consultants, typically psychologists or clinical social workers...

570. A Rural Therapist and School Program Address Teen Mental Health - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jan 25, 2023

Rural teens face a higher prevalence of behavior problems, anxiety, and suicide rates than their urban peers, but there are fewer behavioral health providers in rural areas to help these teens. A trauma therapist in rural West Virginia and a school program in rural Wisconsin incorporate teenagers' strengths and interests and connect them with trusted adults in order to improve their mental health. - The Rural Monitor workers, and the teenager work together on the client's mental healthcare. Involving the teen in this planning helps them "feel more in control and more empowered," she said. A national program also incorporates...