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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 541 - 550:

541. CDC Rural Health - Resources
Reviewed: Apr 2024

Provides an overview of rural health concerns, access to CDC-produced reports highlighting rural health issues, and examples of resources and successful approaches to improve health in rural communities. Topics addressed include a range of public health and population health concerns.

...Diabetes · Health disparities · Healthcare quality · Mortality · Population health · Substance use and misuse · Suicide and suicide...

542. Foster G. McGaw Prize for Excellence in Community Service - Funding
Deadline: May 22, 2024

Monetary awards that honor health delivery organizations that have demonstrated exceptional commitment to community service.

...diabetes, and barriers to clean water, sanitation and hygiene Invest in advances such as telehealth...

543. Tanner Health System: Promoting Healthy Behaviors - Resources
Date: Jan 2020

Describes "Get Healthy, Eat Well," an initiative by Tanner Health System to promote healthy behaviors in its rural Georgia and Alabama communities. Provides an overview of the framework that guided the network of community partners, school and community interventions, and results of the program. Includes lessons learned and next steps.

...Diabetes · Food security and nutrition · Networking and collaboration · Obesity and weight control · Schools · Social determinants...

544. The Association Between Primary Care Use and Potentially-Preventable Hospitalization Among Dual Eligibles Age 65 and Over - Resources
Date: Jul 2022

Examines the relationship between primary care and ambulatory care sensitive condition (ACSC) hospitalization among people age 65 and older who are dually-enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. Features statistics with breakdowns by urban or rural location.

...Diabetes · Elderly population · Hospitals · Medicaid · Medicare · Primary care · Rural-urban differences · Specialty care · Statistics and data...

545. Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health - Funding
Deadline: Apr 11, 2023

Grants for projects designed to improve health, prevent chronic diseases, and reduce health disparities among racial and ethnic populations with the highest risk, or burden, of chronic disease, specifically for African Americans/Blacks, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Alaska Natives.

...Diabetes · Food security and nutrition · Health disparities · Hispanic or Latino · Limited English proficient · Native Hawaiian...

546. Community Paramedics Team Up with Hospitals to Reduce Readmissions - Resources
Date: Jan 2017

Describes community paramedicine pilot projects in California, one of which is rural, that are providing follow-up calls and visits to patients between 24-72 hours after hospital discharge. Features statistics including number of patients and number of readmissions within 30 days, with breakdowns by 6 diagnoses and site.

...Diabetes · Emergency medical technicians and paramedics · Statistics and data · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention...

547. In a Maternity Desert, a New Kind of Home Visitation Program Brings Care to At-Risk Mothers - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Aug 9, 2023

Project Swaddle uses community paramedics to bring wrap-around care to pregnant and postpartum patients. - The Rural Monitor

...diabetes during visits. Since then, Project Swaddle has expanded into a mobile integrated healthcare program...

548. Supporting People with Disabilities in Rural Communities, with Rayna Sage and Catherine Ipsen – Exploring Rural Health Podcast - Podcast Episode
Date: Jan 9, 2024

The January 2024 episode of RHIhub's podcast features an interview with Rayna Sage, PhD, and Catherine Ipsen, PhD, co-directors of the Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities at the University of Montana.

...diabetes and needed someone to come five times a day to administer and test for insulin...

549. Doulas Provide Support for Maternal and Infant Health in Rural Communities - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Oct 6, 2021

Three programs across rural America demonstrate how doulas improve birth outcomes by providing prenatal, labor, and postpartum support. A New Mexico program reaches American Indian, Hispanic, and other populations who lack nearby labor/delivery units; a Minnesota program works with moms experiencing incarceration; and a North Dakota program is training postpartum doulas who will care for families impacted by opioid use disorder and other substance use. - The Rural Monitor

...diabetes, we would keep you on your insulin during pregnancy, right?" She added, "If we've got mom being...

550. NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: Involving Rural America in Research - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Oct 23, 2019

A new diagnosis of cancer? Of a rare disease? Or a chronic medical problem with seemingly no new treatment? The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences is supporting investigators and ensuring that their cutting-edge science gets to the people who need it. Translational science teams in Arkansas, Florida and Washington are making that happen in the rural areas of their states. - The Rural Monitor

...Diabetes . Another project, UF CTSI's Our Community, Our Health , uses a livestream Town Hall...