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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 531 - 540:

531. Implementation Considerations for Preventing Injuries among Hispanic and Latino Farmworkers - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Mar 27, 2024

Considerations for implementing programs that prevent unintentional injuries among Hispanic and Latino farmworkers.

...Health topic guide provides additional information about migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. The Rural Health Equity Toolkit discusses approaches for equitably engaging with communities...

532. Rural Response to Farmer Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Nov 30, 2021

Learn about the mental health challenges that farmers and ranchers face, with information on the root causes of stress, farmer demographics, mental health needs, and barriers to accessing care. Find tools and examples for developing programs to help address farmer mental health. members who may be key parts of a farmer's support system. Interventions and conversations with traditional mental health stakeholders, like mental health clinicians or school guidance counselors, can be beneficial in every community...

533. AgriSafe Nurse Scholar Program - Funding
Deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

A distance learning opportunity available to rural nurses designed to increase knowledge base in prevention, identification, and assessment of diseases related to agricultural work exposures. A partial scholarship is available for nurses working in nonprofit organizations, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and educational institutions. A full scholarship is available for nurses from Illinois that work in Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, government agencies, academia, and nonprofit organizations. for rural practice Zoonotic diseases Protecting women in agriculture Addressing the mental health gap in rural communities Health and well-being of immigrant and migrant farm workers...

534. Families Plus – RHIhub Mental Health Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: May 15, 2024

Describes Family Plus's FORHP 330A grant program in Colorado addressing rural mental health. professionals and peer specialists. Models represented by this program: Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration Model Non-Clinical Mental Health Workers Model Mental Health First Aid Model Wraparound Services and Community...

535. Community Vitality and Rural Healthcare Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: May 26, 2021

Information, resources, and frequently asked questions related to the linkage between rural healthcare and the economic strength and overall vitality of the community. Features economic impact studies and funding to support healthcare in rural communities.

...Community Economic Development Associations held the Community Development and the Social Determinants of Health Symposium , offering links to presentation slides and recommended readings on community development to support health and wellness. Healthcare leaders' participation...

536. Vermont Care Network Advocates for Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Agencies - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Mar 1, 2017

Nearly 1 in 5 American adults have a diagnosable mental or behavioral disorder. By supporting 16 nonprofit agencies, the Vermont Care Network facilitates the provision of services for this population. Nearly 50,000 Vermont residents have access to behavioral health and developmental disability services through their efforts. - The Rural Monitor conditions, and substance use disorders. Vermont Care Network serves 13,000 agency workers who address developmental disabilities, mental health conditions, and substance use disorders in Vermont. In 1994, a group of community...

537. Legal Considerations for Emergency Preparedness and Response - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Nov 14, 2022

Learn about legal and ethical issues to consider related to emergency preparedness and response in rural areas.

...worker liability and protection, and personal health information. The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Clearinghouse , from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), compiles statutes, regulations, orders, reports, and legal tools that rural communities...

538. Rural Mental Health Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Jun 7, 2024

Information, resources and frequently asked questions on rural mental health services and issues. Details the state of mental health, suicide prevention, and access to mental health services in rural areas.

...Workers 57.7 96.4 Details number of practitioners per 100,000 population. Data from 2021 unless otherwise noted. To further complicate the challenges of providing mental health services, the most disadvantaged and under-resourced communities...

539. Primary Care Behavioral Health Model - Rural Services Integration Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jun 21, 2018

Information about the primary care behavioral health model including examples and implementation considerations. record. Cherokee Health Systems , which serves several rural communities in Tennessee, is a national leader in primary care behavioral health integration. Cherokee embeds behavioral health consultants, who are commonly psychologists or clinical social workers...

540. Rural Firefighters Delivering Agricultural Safety and Health (RF-DASH) - RHIhub Unintentional Injury Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Mar 27, 2024

The Rural Firefighters Delivering Agricultural Safety and Health (RF-DASH) program equips rural firefighters with the resources and training to improve safety and identify hazards on local farms.

...Health (RF-DASH) program trains firefighters using a train-the-trainer approach to educate agricultural workers in their community...