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Resources Search Results for: diabetes

332 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 41 - 50:

41. Trends and Variations in Emergency Department Use Associated With Diabetes in the US by Sociodemographic Factors, 2008-2017
Date: May 2022

Results of a study using data from 32 million emergency department (ED) visits from 2008-2017, examining the rates of diabetes-related ED use across various geographic areas and subgroups. Features statistics including age-adjusted rates of diabetes-specific ED use among U.S. adults, with breakdowns by rural or urban status.

...Diabetes in the US by Sociodemographic Factors, 2008-2017 --- Results of a study using data...

42. Diabetes and the Rural Safety Net
Date: Jan 2002

Investigates the extent to which the rural safety net is able to meet the needs of people with diabetes. Includes case studies of four uninsured or underinsured rural New England residents with diabetes.

...diabetes. Includes case studies of four uninsured or underinsured rural New England residents with diabetes...

43. Perceptions of Diabetes in Agricultural Worker Communities
Date: 2018

Details a study on the perceptions of diabetes among agricultural workers in farming communities. Discusses patients' experience of treatment programs and provides information on successful screening and management programs, as well as recommendations for health centers to improve diabetes care for agricultural workers.

...Diabetes in Agricultural Worker Communities --- Details a study on the perceptions of diabetes among agricultural...

44. Barriers to Diabetes Self-management Education Programs in Underserved Rural Arkansas: Implications for Program Evaluation
Date: Jan 2006

Describes barriers faced during the implementation of DSME (Diabetes Self-Management Education) programs in medically underserved rural areas of Arkansas. Includes county maps showing the DSME program status and prevalence of diabetes.

...diabetes. --- View more Barriers to Diabetes Self-management Education Programs in Underserved Rural Arkansas: Implications...

45. Urban–Rural Disparities in Diabetes-Related Mortality in the USA 1999–2019
Date: Sep 2022

Examines 20-year trends in diabetes-related mortality in urban and rural areas in the United States. Analyzes 6,598,281 death certificates that name diabetes mellitus as an underlying or contributing cause of death between 1999 and 2019, utilizing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wide-ranging ONline Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER) Multiple Cause of Death database. Includes demographic breakdowns of urban versus rural mortality data by sex, age, and race/ethnicity.

...Diabetes-Related Mortality in the USA 1999–2019 --- Examines 20-year trends in diabetes-related...

46. Developing a Culturally Competent, Sustainable Rural Model for Diabetes Prevention
Date: Feb 2015

Assesses a community- and family-based approach to diabetes prevention and management in 11 Appalachian counties across 3 states. Highlights the benefits of utilizing a culturally sensitive approach to diabetes education and awareness when engaging rural communities.

...Diabetes Prevention --- Assesses a community- and family-based approach to diabetes prevention and management in 11 Appalachian...

47. Clinical Outcomes of Rural Patients with Diabetes Treated by ECHO-Trained Providers Versus an Academic Medical Center
Date: Jul 2024

Evaluates the effectiveness of Project ECHO trained rural primary care provider team treating diabetes compared to specialists at an academic medical center by measuring cardiorenal risk factor changes. Discusses implications of study findings for rural and other underserved populations with diabetes.

...diabetes. --- View more Clinical Outcomes of Rural Patients with Diabetes Treated by ECHO-Trained Providers...

48. Development and Evaluation of the Delivery-Based HEALED Produce Rx Program for Uninsured Patients With Diabetes in Rural Eastern North Carolina
Date: Jun 2023

A program evaluation brief that provides an overview of the Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle to Enhance Diabetes management (HEALED) program that surveyed patients in 2019 and then delivered plant-based foods to 40 participants as a part of a produce prescription (PRx) program in 2021. Reports on how PRx programs and related resources such as cooking instructions can positively impact diabetes patients. Discusses the importance of performing a needs assessment, pilot programming, and a formative evaluation in rural and underserved programs to remove food access barriers such as lack of transportation and involve participants in their own wellness journeys.

...Diabetes in Rural Eastern North Carolina --- A program evaluation brief that provides an overview of the Healthy...

49. Engaging Native American Caregivers in Youth-Focused Diabetes Prevention and Management
Date: Jun 2018

Results of a study to assess feasibility and acceptability of enrolling adult caregivers in the Together on Diabetes program, using data collected in 4 Native American reservations in the southwestern United States, from 2012-2015. Features statistics on 256 youth and 226 caregivers, including age, sex, and diabetes status.

...diabetes status. --- View more Engaging Native American Caregivers in Youth-Focused Diabetes Prevention and Management...

50. Implementation and Outcomes of the Balanced Living with Diabetes Program Conducted by Cooperative Extension in Rural Communities in Virginia
Date: Aug 2021

Shares the results of a study examining a lifestyle management program, Balanced Living with Diabetes (BLD), to address gaps in diabetes education that was implemented by Cooperative Extension System educators in rural Virginia. Includes an analysis of the BLD program outcomes in Table 2 and 3.

...Diabetes (BLD), to address gaps in diabetes education that was implemented by Cooperative Extension System...