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Rural Health Information Hub

Resources Search Results for: social determinants of health

662 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 471 - 480:

471. Community Susceptibility and Resiliency to COVID‐19 Across the Rural‐Urban Continuum in the United States
Date: Jun 2020

Presents a county-level susceptibility scale for COVID-19. Highlights 7 susceptibility factors related to health and socioeconomic resiliency and discusses the different vulnerabilities of rural and urban communities.

...Health, 36(3), 446-456 Date 06/2020 Type Document Tagged as COVID-19 · Health disparities · Public health · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants...

472. Addressing the Intersection of Suicide, Overdose, and Adverse Childhood Experiences: What Is the Capacity of Local Health Departments?: Results from the National Fielding of the SPACECAT
Reviewed: Oct 2023

Provides survey results from local health departments (LHDs) regarding their capacity to address suicide, overdose, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Analyzes data from 101 LHDs that completed the Suicide, Overdose, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Capacity Assessment Tool (SPACECAT) from a sampling of small (serving 50,000 people or less), medium (serving 50,000-499,999 people), and large (serving 500,000 or more people) LHDs. Includes discussions centering around capacity issues such as networking and partnerships, strategic planning, staffing, data integration, and addressing concerns for at-risk populations.

...Health Officials Tagged as Abuse and violence · Children and youth · Networking and collaboration · Public health · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants...

473. Area-Level Deprivation and Adverse Childhood Experiences among High School Students in Maryland
Date: Apr 2022

Examines the frequency of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in adolescents in Maryland such as food insecurity and parental addiction, mental illness, violence, or incarceration. Reports on the 2018 Maryland Youth Risk Behavior Survey/Youth Tobacco Survey data of 41,091 adolescents to examine the connection between ACEs and area-level deprivation. Includes data breakdowns by rural/not rural county, age, sex, and sexual and gender minority (SGM) status.

...Health, 22, 811 Date 04/2022 Type Document Tagged as Abuse and violence · Children and youth · Families · Mental health · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants...

474. Experiences of Parents and Children Living in Poverty: A Review of the Qualitative Literature
Date: Jul 2018

Details a review of studies focusing on the experiences of poverty from the perspective of parents and their children. Discusses variations in perceptions of poverty and government assistance in rural areas.

...youth · Families · Health disparities · Poverty · Public health · Racial and ethnic groups · Social determinants of health...

475. Healthy Iowans: Iowa's State Health Assessment
Date: Jun 2022

Provides an overview of population health in Iowa with a focus on health outcomes and related social, economic, and environmental factors. Outlines Iowa's overall health profile and priority areas in public health. Includes county-level data on life expectancy, primary care and dentist workforce supply, and transportation; census tract data comparing rural and urban food access; and discussions geared toward rural-specific health issues. issues. Date 06/2022 Type Document Organization Illinois Department of Public Health Tagged as County-by-county data · Economics and the economy · Environmental health · Population health · Public health · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants...

476. Watered Down Justice
Date: Sep 2019

Report focuses on water quality standards, violations, and potential solutions, specifically for social and economic minority populations. Features county-level maps showing the intersection of various drinking water violations and length of violations with racial, ethnic, and language vulnerability.

...Health Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council Tagged as Environmental health · Infrastructure · Public health · Racial and ethnic groups · Social determinants...

477. Health Equity Challenges in Rural America
Date: Aug 2018

Discusses multiple factors contributing to health inequities in rural communities including poorer healthcare access, lack of health insurance, hospital closures, workforce shortages, limited availability of services, and longer distances to specialized healthcare. Offers recommendations for rural community leaders and policy makers to improve economic and socioeconomic conditions, including rural health infrastructure investment. infrastructure investment. Author(s) Erika Ziller, Andrew Coburn Citation Human Rights Magazine, 43(3) Date 08/2018 Type Document Tagged as Access · Community and economic development · Health disparities · Health workforce · Infrastructure · Policy · Poverty · Social determinants...

478. What Works? Strategies to Improve Rural Health
Date: Jul 2016

A guide for rural community health improvement. Explains how to find strategies that are likely to be effective. Identifies interventions related to health behaviors, healthcare access and quality, social and economic factors, and the physical environment. and economic factors, and the physical environment. Date 07/2016 Type Document Organization County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Tagged as Access · Healthcare quality · Planning and strategy methods and resources · Population health · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants...

479. Delaware State Health Improvement Plan: 2020 Annual Report
Date: Dec 2020

Assesses policy improvements and the alignment of activities among 9 key Delaware stakeholder groups with the 2018-2023 Delaware State Health Needs Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan. Includes sections on chronic disease, maternal and child health, substance use disorders, and mental health, and offers system-wide recommendations. and prenatal care · Mental health · Obesity and weight control · Social determinants of health · Substance...

480. 2018 National Survey of Health Attitudes: Description and Top-Line Summary Data
Date: 2019

Results of a survey designed to provide insight into how people in the U.S. think about, value, and prioritize health and issues of health equity. Appendix A shows survey results comparing populations by city size, with breakdowns by rural areas, small towns, midsized cities, and large cities, and Appendix B features statistics comparing urban and rural areas. · Rural-urban differences · Social determinants of health · Statistics and data · Wellness, health promotion, and disease...