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Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 441 - 450:

441. Community Health Aide Program: Tribal Planning and Implementation - Funding
Deadline: Aug 1, 2023

Grants to support planning and implementation for tribes and tribal organizations to begin operating a Community Health Aide Program or support a growing program in the contiguous 48 states. · Behavioral health workforce · Community health workers · Culture and cultural competency · Dental workforce · Health aides...

442. Community Health Aide Program: Tribal Assessment and Planning - Funding
Deadline: Aug 7, 2023

Grants to support assessment and planning for tribes and tribal organizations to determine the feasibility of implementing a Community Health Aide Program in their respective communities. · Behavioral health workforce · Community health workers · Culture and cultural competency · Dental workforce · Health aides...

443. HERO: New Mexico's Health Extension as a Model for Primary Care Transformation - Resources
Date: Apr 2015

Describes the benefits and lessons learned of a New Mexico state-wide primary care improvement infrastructure program - Health Extension Rural Offices (HERO) - to address social determinants of health. Through the use of extension agents (HEROs) information about patient centered medical homes (PCMH) and university resources was provided to 34 participating small primary care clinics of which half were rural. Program was funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Infrastructure for Maintaining Primary Care Transformation (IMPaCT) Grants.

...Tagged as Community health workers · Medical homes · Primary care · Social determinants of health · New Mexico...

444. National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH) - Organizations
Reviewed: Sep 28, 2023

Summary information for the organization National Center for Farmworker Health, including related information from this organization listed on the RHIhub website. and migrant health centers, as well as other organizations and individuals involved in farmworker health. Tagged as Agricultural Health and Safety · Community Health Workers...

445. Project ECHO's Complex Care Initiative: Building Capacity to Help "Superutilizers" in Underserved Communities - Resources
Date: Aug 2016

Describes a case study from the University of New Mexico's Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) program, which uses telehealth to support primary care clinicians in underserved areas. Focuses on a project targeting Medicaid beneficiaries with substance abuse and mental health issues, with details on two primary care teams being supported, including one in a rural New Mexico community.

...Community health workers · Health workforce education and training · Medicaid · Mental health · Primary care · Substance use and misuse...

446. Maine Care for the Underserved Pathways AHEC Scholars Program - Funding
Deadline: Aug 1, 2024

A multidisciplinary certificate and honors distinction program for health professions students in Maine that offers opportunities for hands-on training, experience in rural and underserved communities, and networking with other students and professionals. professions program, including but not limited to: Osteopathic or allopathic medicine Dental medicine Pharmacy Physical therapy Physician assistant Master's in public health MCD Global Community Health Worker...

447. Region 6 Public Health Leadership Institute (R6-PHLI) - Funding
Deadline: Jun 1, 2024

A virtual leadership program designed for mid-career practitioners and emerging leaders in Public Health Region 6. are encouraged, including: Local, county, and parish health departments State and tribal health departments Community healthcare clinics Public health organizations serving underserved populations Community health workers...

448. Innovative Primary Care Delivery in Rural Alaska: A Review of Patient Encounters Seen by Community Health Aides - Resources
Date: Jun 2012

Reviews outpatient visits to Community Health Aides (CHAs) and Community Health Practitioners (CHPs) from October 2004 to September 2006 to evaluate the scope of health problems seen by CHA/Ps in remote, rural Alaska to the Alaska Native population. Discusses how the program could serve as a healthcare delivery model for remote areas.

...Health, 71(1) Date 06/2012 Type Document Tagged as Access · American Indian or Alaska Native · Community health workers...

449. PREVENT Pandemics Act (P.L. 117-328, Division FF, Title II) - Resources
Date: Aug 2023

Provides a section-by-section overview of the Prepare for and Respond to Existing Viruses, Emerging New Threats, and Pandemics Act (PREVENT Pandemics Act), enacted as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. Describes the Continuing Education Support for Health Professionals Serving in Rural and Underserved Communities Program, which supports specialty training for primary care providers, as well as other rural-relevant provisions.

...Community health workers · Emergency preparedness and response · Health workforce · Health workforce education and training · Legislation...

450. 2022 Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment: A Report of the Behavioral Health Workforce Advisory Committee - Resources
Date: Dec 2022

Details the results of a study analyzing the occupations, roles, size, distribution, career pathways, demand, policy, and practice issues for the behavioral health workforce in the state of Washington. Includes recommendations to address workforce-related barriers and improve access to behavioral healthcare, and provides rural specific information. · Behavioral health workforce · Community health workers · Health workforce · Health workforce supply and demand · Rural...