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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 401 - 410:

401. Evidence-Based Toolkits for Rural Community Health - Toolkits

Step-by-step guides to help rural communities develop effective community health programs addressing a variety of rural health concerns.

...Diabetes Prevention and Management Toolkit Find resources and best practices to develop diabetes prevention and management...

402. Connecticut Health and Environmental Justice Grants - Funding
Deadline: Oct 15, 2024

Grants for projects in Connecticut that focus on health, environmental justice, and disparities in health outcomes based on geographic location.

...diabetes, obesity, tobacco use, asthma, mental health first aid, and falls Housing advocacy efforts that...

403. Chronic Disease Self-Management Program - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Sep 18, 2023

The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) helps individuals with chronic conditions learn skills and strategies to manage their health.

...Diabetes Heart disease HIV/AIDS Hypertension Lung disease Stroke The Administration for Community Living's Empowering...

404. Minnesota Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative (EHDI) Grant Program - Funding
Deadline: Dec 19, 2022

Funding for projects focused on improving the health and well-being of American Indians and people of color in Minnesota.

...Diabetes HIV/AIDS and sexually-transmitted diseases Immunizations for adults and children Infant mortality and access...

405. Grant Funding for Community Health Worker Programs - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Provides information on foundations and organizations that have funded community health worker programs and research.

...diabetes, heart disease, obesity and associated risk factors and promote school health. The National Institutes...

406. Telehealth Models for Increasing Access to Care Among Children - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jun 8, 2023

Introduction to telehealth models that increase access to care for children in rural communities.

...Diabetes monitoring Care coordination Health education Oral health and dental care The Health Resources and Services...

407. Module 3: Program Clearinghouse - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Provides examples of 330A Outreach Authority grantees that developed a CHW program in a rural community.

...diabetes, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence; work toward program sustainability MHP Salud Project title: Futuros Saludables (Health...

408. Rural Healthcare Quality Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Dec 19, 2022

Provides an overview of rural healthcare quality, including information on quality reporting requirements, resources to support quality improvement efforts, how rural facilities perform on quality measures, and current rural quality efforts such as antibiotic stewardship.

...Diabetes, hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Hospital readmissions Perinatal and pediatric conditions and services...

409. One Community Health (formerly La Clinica del Carino) - Rural Care Coordination Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Dec 26, 2018

Promoting Steps to Wellness, a bilingual and bicultural wellness program providing education on diet, physical exercise and stress management.

...diabetes case management. Bilingual and bicultural health promoters were recruited and trained by a registered...

410. Pennsylvania Hospital Transitions HRSA-Funded Program to Online Services and Addresses COVID-19 Stress - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jul 1, 2020

Butler Memorial Hospital in Pennsylvania received a HRSA Rural Health Care Services Outreach grant to develop a program for chronic disease patients. Partway through the grant cycle, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The hospital shares how it was able to transition its program services to an online format and develop new initiatives to address stress in the healthcare workforce and the larger community. - The Rural Monitor

...diabetes, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and hypertension. Program enrollees receive a wide...