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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: guidelines

394 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 391 - 394:

391. Implementation Challenges – RHIhub Aging in Place Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jun 4, 2019

Information on implementation challenges that can arise when implementing a program to support aging in place in rural areas.

...guidelines Lack of streets that accommodate multiple forms of transportation, which fail to accommodate all community...

392. Hospital2Home - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Apr 10, 2024

Hospital2Home identifies older adults who have an elevated risk of hospital readmission and provides service vouchers for personal care and home-delivered meals.

...guidelines - through personal care services. Beginning in April 2022, more normal operations have resumed in the rural...

393. Pulmonary Health in Rural America: Cause and Impact of Work-Related Lung Diseases - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Oct 4, 2017

What's in the air in the rural workplace? From grain dust to rock dust to hospital cleaning chemicals, all these particles have potential to cause chronic lung diseases. But, there are keys to prevention. - The Rural Monitor

...guidelines for these strategies are found in federal regulations, educational programs, and on-site monitoring...

394. Implementation Considerations for Preventing Injuries among Children and Adolescents - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Mar 27, 2024

Considerations for implementing programs that prevent unintentional injuries among children and adolescents.

...guidelines focus on topic-specific child injury prevention strategies, such as agricultural safety for children...