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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 31 - 40:

31. Diabetes Prevention Program Sites Compared With Diabetes Prevalence and Ratio of Primary Care Physicians in Texas - Resources
Date: Dec 2019

Discusses partnerships between the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and state organizations to provide type 2 diabetes prevention education by increasing access to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognized Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPPs). Offers state maps that identify the county locations of DPPs in comparison to diagnosed diabetes prevalence and the ratio of primary care physicians per 100,000 residents.

...Diabetes Prevention Program Sites Compared With Diabetes Prevalence and Ratio of Primary Care Physicians in Texas...

32. Longitudinal Analysis of Neighborhood Food Environment and Diabetes Risk in the Veterans Administration Diabetes Risk Cohort - Resources
Date: Oct 2021

Results of a study examining the association between neighborhood food environment and risk of type 2 diabetes across communities, with breakdowns by high-density urban, low-density urban, suburban, and rural locations. Features statistics including characteristics of the diabetes risk cohort, and incidence of type 2 diabetes by demographic characteristics, overall and by community type.

...Diabetes Risk in the Veterans Administration Diabetes Risk Cohort --- Results of a study examining the association...

33. Integrating Family and Friend Support, Information Technology, and Diabetes Education in Community-Centric Diabetes Self-Management - Resources
Date: Feb 2021

Study examining the impacts of community support on diabetes self-management in a rural island community in Hawaii based on a pilot program with 7 participants over a 9 month period. Describes the challenges of implementing diabetes self-management education programs in rural areas, access to dietitians and endocrinologists, and the potential for telehealth and health information technology to facilitate diabetes self-management.

...Diabetes Education in Community-Centric Diabetes Self-Management --- Study examining the impacts of community support...

34. Module 3: Program Clearinghouse - RHIhub Diabetes Prevention Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 23, 2020

Examples of 330A Outreach Authority grantees and other promising programs that developed a diabetes prevention/management program in a rural community.

...diabetes education and management program in a rural community are provided below. Diabetes education and management...

35. Community-Based Diabetes Screening and Risk Assessment in Rural West Virginia - Resources
Date: Jan 2016

Reports on a cross-sectional study to assess diabetes risk among 540 individuals, 18 years or more, from 12 rural counties in West Virginia. A noninvasive survey combined with a glycosylated hemoglobin or A1C blood test was used to identify individuals with prediabetes, or at high risk for diabetes. Discusses the factors contributing to the high rates of diabetes and prediabetes, and the need to effectively lower the risks of diabetes in the state.

...diabetes. Discusses the factors contributing to the high rates of diabetes and prediabetes, and the need...

36. Enhancing Diabetes Self-Care among Rural African Americans with Diabetes - Resources
Date: 2014

Examines the feasibility of conducting a community-based study evaluating a culturally tailored diabetes self-management education program among rural African Americans living in Virginia. Covers outcomes data at baseline, 3-month, and 12-month follow-up, including hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure, diet, exercise, diabetes knowledge, medication adherence, and others.

...Diabetes Self-Care among Rural African Americans with Diabetes --- Examines the feasibility of conducting a community...

37. Rural Diabetes Prevention and Management Toolkit - RHIhub - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 23, 2020

This toolkit provides a step-by-step guide for building effective rural diabetes prevention and management programs, with evidence-based examples and methods that can be adapted for rural communities.

...Diabetes Prevention and Management Toolkit Welcome to the Rural Diabetes Prevention and Management Toolkit. This...

38. The Changing Burden of Diabetes in Rural and Urban America - Resources
Date: Apr 2019

Recording and slides from an April 29, 2019 webinar with Timothy Callaghan and Alva O. Ferdinand from the Texas A&M University School of Public Heath. Provides an overview of diabetes mortality and trends in rural and urban areas. Covers data on in-hospital diabetes mortality, predictors of emergency department initiated diabetes care, and progress towards Healthy People 2020 goals to reduce diabetes mortality.

...diabetes mortality and trends in rural and urban areas. Covers data on in-hospital diabetes...

39. Report to Congress on Leveraging Federal Programs to Prevent and Control Diabetes and Its Complications, 2021 - Resources
Date: Jan 2022

Report examining diabetes prevalence and health impact nationwide, offering recommendations for reducing risks, preventing type 2 diabetes, and treating and managing diabetes. Discusses diabetes and other chronic conditions in rural areas, rural health disparities, and rural-specific recommendations for prevention and management.

...diabetes, and treating and managing diabetes. Discusses diabetes and other chronic conditions in rural areas...

40. Access to Care and Diabetes Management among Older American Indians with Type 2 Diabetes - Resources
Date: Mar 2016

Highlights a study on the role of healthcare access in diabetes management among American Indians over 50 with type 2 diabetes. Breaks down data by socio-demographic information, travel time to source of care, and availability of transportation.

...Diabetes Management among Older American Indians with Type 2 Diabetes --- Highlights a study on the role...