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Resources Search Results for: Food Security

760 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 31 - 40:

31. A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Home-Delivered Food Box on Food Security in Chickasaw Nation
Date: Jan 2021

Presents a study evaluating a free school meal program in 12 rural Oklahoma counties within the Chickasaw Nation from 2016 to 2018. Breaks down data by household income, children in household, and age of children, among other measures.

...Food Box on Food Security in Chickasaw Nation --- Presents a study evaluating a free school...

32. Consumer Food Insights
Date: Apr 2022

A monthly report that surveys and tracks more than 1,200 Americans to follow trends in consumer food behavior and sustainability. April 2022 issue includes rural versus urban data on Food Away From Home (FAFH) spending, food security, food satisfaction, consumer shopping and eating habits, consumer beliefs, and more, based on aggregate data from the January to April 2022 surveys. behavior and sustainability. April 2022 issue includes rural versus urban data on Food Away From Home (FAFH) spending, food security...

33. Perceptions of the Food Environment and Access among Predominantly Black Low-Income Residents of Rural Louisiana Communities
Date: Aug 2020

Study of food security, food access, and perceptions of the food environment among predominantly Black, low-income rural Louisiana residents. Discusses issues of food insecurity in rural areas related to financial resources, transportation, and food shopping options. Presents recurring themes from focus group discussions including 44 participants, most of whom were Black women of various ages and employment statuses, including experiences finding and buying food, fishing and hunting, and utilizing food pantries, SNAP, WIC, and other assistance programs. security, food access, and perceptions of the food environment among predominantly Black, low-income...

34. Rural Hunger and Access to Healthy Food Topic Guide
Reviewed: Dec 2023

Information, resources, and frequently asked questions related to rural food security. Discusses food deserts, how to improve access to health and affordable food, federal nutrition programs, funding opportunities, and creative strategies used by rural communities to address food and hunger issues. security. Discusses food deserts, how to improve access to health and affordable food, federal...

35. Daily Dietary Intake Patterns Improve after Visiting a Food Pantry among Food-Insecure Rural Midwestern Adults
Date: May 2018

Evaluates dietary patterns for rural adults in the Midwest before and after visiting a food pantry. Compares differences for food secure and food insecure clients. Addresses fruit and vegetable intake, number of meals and snacks eaten, and more.

...Food Pantry among Food-Insecure Rural Midwestern Adults --- Evaluates dietary patterns for rural adults in the Midwest before and after visiting a food pantry. Compares differences for food secure...

36. Food as Medicine Survey Findings: How Anti-Hunger Organizations Partner With Health Care Providers to Address Food Insecurity
Date: Jul 2024

Analyzes how anti-hunger organizations are partnering with healthcare providers and facilities to promote food security and connect patients with federal food assistance programs. Utilizes 2023/2024 quantitative and qualitative survey data from 56 respondents and provides characteristics of the respondent's organization; types of healthcare facilities involved; food assistance programs to which patients are referred; screening and referral process; and demographics of people served, such as race/ethnicity, age group, special populations, and geographic location of urban, suburban, or rural. Includes a case study of the Montana Food Bank Network (MFBN) and their use of mobile food delivery to reach rural populations.

...Food Bank Network (MFBN) and their use of mobile food delivery to reach rural populations. Date 07/2024 Type Document Organization Food Research & Action Center Tagged as Benefit enrollment and application ยท Food security...

37. Adaptation in Arctic Circumpolar Communities: Food and Water Security in a Changing Climate
Date: Dec 2016

Discusses the effects of climate change on food and water security in rural communities. Covers strategies to adapt to a changing climate from Alaska Native populations.

...Food and Water Security in a Changing Climate --- Discusses the effects of climate change on food...

38. Migrant Farmworker Nutritional Strategies: Implications for Diabetes Management
Date: Sep 2018

Presents findings of interviews with 200 Latino migrant farmworkers in North Carolina on food security and means of obtaining, preparing, and consuming food. Identifies common supports and barriers of dietary self-management and provides data on population characteristics. Highlights implications for migrant farmworkers with diabetes, and identifies strategies for improving access to suitable food. security and means of obtaining, preparing, and consuming food. Identifies common supports and barriers...

39. Prevalence of Food Insecurity, by Selected Household Characteristics, 2021 and 2022
Date: Oct 2023

Table and graph showing food insecurity by type of household. Includes data by place of residence for metropolitan and nonmetro areas. Based on 2021 and 2022 Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement data. insecurity by type of household. Includes data by place of residence for metropolitan and nonmetro areas. Based on 2021 and 2022 Current Population Survey Food Security...

40. Grit but Not Help-Seeking Was Associated with Food Insecurity among Low Income, At-Risk Rural Veterans
Date: Jan 2023

Examines psychological attributes such as grit and help-seeking behaviors and their association to food security among rural veterans in southern Illinois. Analyzes data from 177 veterans who utilized food pantries in 2021 for associations between psychological traits and resource usage. Discusses educational interventions that have the potential to increase well-being for rural veterans.

...Food Insecurity among Low Income, At-Risk Rural Veterans --- Examines psychological attributes such as grit and help-seeking behaviors and their association to food security...