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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: EMS

351 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 31 - 40:

31. Investigating Rural Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Infrastructure: A Developmental Methodology for Measuring the Availability of EMS Resources - Resources
Date: Aug 2004

Explores a potential indicator of EMS availability, Expected Annual Emergency Miles per Ambulance (EXAMB). Illustrates how EXAMB could be applied using ambulance availability data from five states: Mississippi, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, and Wyoming. Includes policy and research recommendations.

...EMS) Infrastructure: A Developmental Methodology for Measuring the Availability of EMS Resources --- Explores a potential...

32. 2019 Rural Emergency Care Integration Summit: Flex Program Support for Rural EMS: Moving from Loaded Miles to Value-Based Models - Resources
Date: Aug 2019

Provides an overview of the March 2019 Rural Emergency Care Summit convened by the National Rural Health Resource Center. Explores the role of emergency medical services (EMS) as the healthcare system transitions from volume-based to value-based care. Addresses challenges to EMS and hospital collaboration and strategies for future integration. Discusses how Flex Programs could support rural EMS improvements.

...EMS: Moving from Loaded Miles to Value-Based Models --- Provides an overview of the March...

33. COVID-19 and Rural EMS - Resources
Date: Jul 2020

Webinar presented July 7, 2020, describing ways in which the pandemic is affecting rural emergency medical services (EMS). Explores adjustments being made by rural ambulance services, examines innovations related to EMS COVID-19 response, and lists resources available to rural EMS and ways that Flex Programs can support these services.

...EMS). Explores adjustments being made by rural ambulance services, examines innovations related to EMS COVID...

34. Idaho Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Resources
Reviewed: May 2023

A bureau within the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare offering information for EMS providers including resources on license applications, EMS rules and regulations, requirements for agency licensure and renewal, agency contacts and grant resources. Provides a discussion of the Idaho Community Health EMS (CHEMS) model and lists certification programs appropriate for CHEMS paramedics.

...EMS) --- A bureau within the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare offering information for EMS providers...

35. Sustainable Rural EMS: Navigating Change - Resources
Date: Sep 2021

Designed to help rural communities navigate a change from unsustainable volunteer emergency medical services (EMS) and ambulance service models to those that are sustainable. Intended to direct community leaders through change based on a stepped process that has been used in rural communities throughout the U.S. Includes information on how to assess whether a community has an EMS problem, ingredients needed to change, and a process to implement change to a more sustainable model of rural EMS.

...EMS. --- View more Sustainable Rural EMS: Navigating Change Link View Resource Description Designed to help...

36. 'Filling the Cracks': How a Rural Maine Community Kept its 24/7 Urgent Care Open with Paramedics - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Oct 5, 2022

To keep 24/7 urgent care available in Maine's Moose River Valley, a new pilot program lets paramedics take shifts staffing the local health center after-hours and on weekends. - The Rural Monitor

...EMS as the spackle of healthcare: If there's a crack, you can use EMS...

37. Improving Rural Systems of Care for Time Critical Diagnoses: A Review of State Flex Program Activities - Resources
Date: Jan 2019

Examines state Flex program initiatives to improve time critical diagnoses (TCD) care systems and integrate rural emergency medical services (EMS) into area care systems, particularly Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). Briefly describes what each of the 17 participating states did to collaborate with EMS stakeholders, enhance TCD capacity, support EMS training, provide technical assistance to local EMS agencies, and collect EMS and TCD data.

...EMS stakeholders, enhance TCD capacity, support EMS training, provide technical assistance to local EMS agencies...

38. Ohio EMS Grant Program - Funding
Deadline: Apr 1, 2024

Funding for Ohio EMS agencies for training of personnel, purchase of equipment and vehicles, or research related to EMS practices and procedures.

...EMS Grant Program --- Funding for Ohio EMS agencies for training of personnel, purchase of equipment...

39. Kentucky EMS Leadership Academy - Funding
Deadline: Oct 31, 2023

A 6 month educational opportunity designed to provide members of the emergency medical services (EMS) profession in Kentucky with the knowledge and skills necessary to take on significant roles and responsibilities in organizations.

...EMS field Program flyer Academy schedule Eligibility Participation in the academy is open to all EMS...

40. Community Paramedicine Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Aug 29, 2024

Provides information, resources, and answers frequently asked questions related to community paramedicine. Covers benefits and challenges community paramedicine programs in rural communities, defines the role of community paramedics, discusses education and licensure requirements requirements for community paramedic providers, and program funding. Includes community paramedicine models and existing program examples.

...EMS) to receive healthcare in non-emergency situations. This can create a burden for EMS...