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Resources Search Results for: hispanic

385 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 331 - 340:

331. Delivering CBT to Rural Latino Children with Anxiety Disorders: A Qualitative Study
Date: Jan 2017

Examines perceptions of different methods of providing cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) that could increase access to care for anxiety in rural Latino youth. Compares telephone based, bibliotherapy, and therapist supported bibliotherapy from both the viewpoint of Latino parents and mental health providers.

...Type Document Tagged as Access · Hispanic or Latino · Mental health · Mental health conditions · Telehealth · California...

332. Exploration of Multilevel Barriers and Strategies That Affected Early COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing in Rural Latino Communities in Southwest Florida
Date: Sep 2022

Examines barriers and strategies affecting COVID-19 vaccination and testing uptake in rural Latino communities in southwest Florida. Uses data from interviews conducted between March-April 2021 with 25 key stakeholders including rural Latino community members, local leaders, and community health workers.

...Community and faith-based initiatives · Community health workers · Hispanic or Latino · Infectious diseases · Vaccination · Florida...

333. Study Protocol: Examining Sexual and Reproductive Health Literacy in Mexican American Young Women Using a Positive Deviance Approach
Date: May 2024

Describes a study protocol that aims to analyze the factors associated with health literacy in traditionally underrepresented groups. Focuses on Mexican American women aged 18-29, living in rural New York, who have accessed sexual and reproductive healthcare within the past year.

...Document Tagged as Health literacy · Hispanic or Latino · Sexual and reproductive health · Women · New York...

334. Rapid Health Impact Assessment on USDA Proposed Changes to School Nutrition Standards
Date: Mar 2020

Highlights a study on the health implications of proposed changes to the United States Department of Agriculture's nutrition guidelines for school lunches. Compares changes to current guidelines and highlights the impact the changes would have for students of color and students in rural communities.

...Black or African American · Children and youth · Food security and nutrition · Hispanic or Latino · Policy · Schools...

335. AzCRH 2015 Safety Net Health Care in Arizona Report
Date: Feb 2016

Provides an analysis of data from a survey of Arizona's Critical Access Hospitals, Rural Health Clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and county health departments. Addresses insurance coverage with breakdowns by county and for Latinos, American Indians, and adults with disabilities; hospital margins; access to healthcare; staffing FTE and recruitment issues; and services provided.

...Hispanic or Latino · Recruitment and retention of health professionals · Rural Health Clinics · Statistics and data...

336. Maternity Care in California: A Bundle of Data
Date: Nov 2019

Overview of maternity care services provided in California using state data from CDC WONDER (Centers for Disease and Prevention) and the California Open Data Portal with comparisons to national data. Includes California county maps demonstrating preterm birth rates and infant mortality, and provides maternity care data by race and ethnicity.

...Hispanic or Latino · Maternal health and prenatal care · Mortality · Statistics and data · White · Women · California...

337. Community Forums as Amplifiers of Communities' Voices: Isolated Communities in Puerto Rico
Date: Jul 2023

Highlights a study on health-related issues in isolated communities in Puerto Rico. Utilizes a community forum to identify health-related issues, such as primary care and mental health access, social determinants of health, emergency preparedness, and COVID-19 vaccinations, among other measures.

...Hispanic or Latino · Primary care · Social determinants of health · Statistics and data · Vaccination · Wellness, health...

338. Promising Practice: Educational Partnership Reaches Rural California Communities
Date: Aug 2019

Details a promising practice that works to expand health literacy among rural Latinos in California through a partnership between the California State Office of Rural Health and the California Department of Public Health's Office of Binational Border Health. Details the way the program is reaching rural Latinos through community health worker/promotores training.

...Community health workers · Health literacy · Hispanic or Latino · Public health · U.S.-Mexico Border Region · California...

339. Breast and Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization after Hurricane María and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Puerto Rico
Date: Oct 2023

Explores breast and colorectal cancer screening utilization rates in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and the COVID-19 pandemic. Bases findings on Puerto Rico's Medicaid population and breaks down screening data by year from 2016-2021.

...Health disparities · Health screening · Hispanic or Latino · Public health · Statistics and data · Women · Puerto Rico...

340. Differences in Residential Stability by Rural/Urban Location and Socio-Demographic Characteristics
Date: Aug 2023

Policy brief identifying rural/urban differences in regional, socio-demographic, and health characteristics associated with living in the same home for more than 20 years. Features demographics and statistics on length of time living in home and health or disability status of residents, with breakdowns by urban or rural location.

...Hispanic or Latino · Housing and homelessness · People with disabilities · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data...