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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: hispanic

591 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 331 - 340:

331. An Outbreak of COVID-19 Among H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers - Resources
Date: Apr 2021

Highlights a study on COVID-19 outbreaks among temporary agricultural workers with H-2A visas. Focuses on crew of 120 workers in north central Florida. Details the workers' demographic information, such as age, gender, and country of origin, and discusses some of the factors contributing to the outbreak.

...Tagged as Agricultural health and safety · COVID-19 · Hispanic or Latino · Migrants · Public health · Florida...

332. Randomized Trial of a Portable HEPA Air Cleaner Intervention to Reduce Asthma Morbidity Among Latino Children in an Agricultural Community - Resources
Date: Jan 2022

Study evaluating the impact of HEPA air cleaners on asthma morbidity for a group of 75 rural Latino children in the Lower Yakima Valley region of Washington. Analyzes health outcomes after providing an intervention group with HEPA air cleaners, and describes the potential for HEPA air cleaners to aid in asthma control in children, particularly in agricultural and industrial settings.

...Children and youth · Chronic respiratory conditions · Environmental health · Hispanic or Latino · Statistics and data · Washington...

333. Rural Communities at Risk: Widening Health Disparities Present New Challenges in Aftermath of Pandemic - Resources
Date: Jul 2021

Describes the health status, health disparities, and socioeconomic disparities of vulnerable rural communities. Analyzes the relationship between rural community vulnerability and the stability of the rural health safety net. Includes information on racial health disparities within rural communities. · Health disparities · Health insurance · Hispanic or Latino · Hospitals · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data...

334. Scaling a Community-Wide Campaign Intervention to Manage Hypertension and Weight Loss - Resources
Date: Nov 2021

Analysis of a public health intervention addressing hypertension and obesity among low-income Latino populations in the U.S.-Mexico border region in Texas. Discusses the impacts of the intervention in 10 cities and large metro areas, 2 small towns, and 6 rural areas and examines data using the RE-AIM Framework.

...Hispanic or Latino · Obesity and weight control · Statistics and data · U.S.-Mexico Border Region · Wellness...

335. Slipping Through the Cracks: Just How Underrepresented Are Minorities Within the Dental Specialties? - Resources
Date: 2022

Assesses a survey of 11,137 Hispanic/Latino, Black, or American Indian/Alaska Native dentists to determine the diversity of the dental workforce and predictors of dental specialization for underrepresented minorities (URM). Discusses the role rural residence plays in predicting specialization in dentistry.

...Indian or Alaska Native · Black or African American · Dental workforce · Hispanic or Latino · Statistics and data...

336. "Ancestral Recipes": A Mixed-Methods Analysis of MyPlate-Based Recipe Dissemination for Latinos in Rural Communities - Resources
Date: Feb 2023

Examines the adoption of a MyPlate-informed cookbook culturally tailored toward Latinx communities to improve nutrition, healthy lifestyles, and knowledge related to chronic diseases such as diabetes. Discusses results of holding 20 cooking demonstrations with pre- and post-test surveys as well as focus group interviews with 19 participants. and nutrition · Hispanic or Latino · Statistics and data · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention...

337. Disparities in Breast Cancer Survivors in Rural West Texas - Resources
Date: Sep 2021

Examines a rural Texan county with increased breast cancer mortality to understand the relationship between sociodemographic variables and breast cancer outcomes. Reviews data from 406 women between 1995 and 2014 to explore survival probability among variables such as race and ethnicity, insurance status, age, zip code, and stage of cancer, among others.

...Health disparities · Hispanic or Latino · Rural-urban differences · Statistics and data · Uninsured and underinsured · Texas...

338. Social Ecology of Hypertension Management Among Latinos Living in the U.S.–Mexico Border Region - Resources
Date: Jul 2022

Study examining hypertension management in 2 rural, frontier counties in the U.S.-Mexico border region based on data from 8 focus groups with 49 total participants. Discusses social and environmental issues raised in the focus groups, including individual barriers to disease management, social relationships, healthcare-related concerns, and environmental health.

...Hispanic or Latino · U.S.-Mexico Border Region · Wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention · New Mexico...

339. Rural Household Food Insecurity among Latino Immigrants during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Resources
Date: Jul 2022

Investigates impacts of COVID-19 on food insecurity among Latino immigrant families in rural areas of California. Utilizes interviews from 31 participants to examine barriers to food access including transportation, school closures, and lack of convenience. Discusses mitigation efforts related to food insecurity such as government and charitable programs.

...Tagged as COVID-19 · Food security and nutrition · Hispanic or Latino · Immigrants · Infectious diseases · California...

340. Evaluating the Dissemination and Implementation of a Community Health Worker-Based Community Wide Campaign to Improve Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Physical Activity among Latinos along the U.S.-Mexico Border - Resources
Date: Apr 2022

Describes a culturally tailored community-wide program to augment fruit and vegetable consumption and promote physical activity among 5,686 low-income Latinos of Mexican descent living in Texas. Features demographics and statistics on changes in fruit and vegetable consumption over the course of the intervention.

...Hispanic or Latino · Physical activity · Public health · Statistics and data · U.S.-Mexico Border Region · Texas...