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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: community health workers

817 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 21 - 30:

21. Importance of Sustainability Planning for Rural Community Health Worker Programs - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Information on the importance of sustainability planning to ensure community health worker programs meet the needs of a community.

...Community Health Worker Programs Identifying strategies to sustain a community health worker (CHW) program from...

22. Understanding Scope and Competencies: A Contemporary Look at the United States Community Health Worker Field - Resources
Date: Apr 2016

Reports on the progress of the Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project in developing a national consensus regarding community health worker core roles and competencies. The C3 Advisory Committee charged with developing the standards included representation from urban, rural, and tribal communities.

...Community Health Worker Field --- Reports on the progress of the Community Health Worker Core Consensus...

23. Promotora de Salud/Lay Health Worker Program Models - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Learn about how promotoras provide culturally appropriate services and serve as a patient advocate, educator, mentor, outreach worker, and translator.

...Health Center Migrant Health Center, Western Region, Inc. MHP Salud Family Health Centers University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health Resources to Learn More Community Health Worker...

24. Planning and Designing a Rural Community Health Worker Program - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Information on planning and designing community health worker programs.

...Community Health Worker Program - RHIhub Toolkit --- Information on planning and designing community health worker programs...

25. Supervising and Supporting Community Health Workers - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Information on supervising and supporting community health workers.

...Community Health Workers - RHIhub Toolkit --- Information on supervising and supporting community health workers. --- View more...

26. Community Health Worker (CHW) Toolkit: A Guide for Employers - Resources
Date: 2016

Toolkit designed to provide prospective employers of community health workers (CHWs) a history and understanding of the field and how to implement CHWs into their practices in the state of Minnesota. Includes education and training requirements, a discussion of the roles of the CHW, and examples of successful community health worker models, among other topics. health worker models, among other topics. --- View more Community Health Worker (CHW) Toolkit: A Guide...

27. Minnesota Community Health Worker Certificate Scholarship - Funding
Deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Scholarships that cover tuition and some related costs for up to one year of a Community Health Worker (CHW) certificate program in Minnesota.

...Community Health Worker (CHW) certificate program in Minnesota. --- View more Minnesota Community Health Worker Certificate...

28. Community Health Workers - Rural Care Coordination Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Dec 26, 2018

Explore the how community health workers provide care coordination. health workers provide care coordination. --- View more Community Health Workers (CHWs) Community health workers...

29. Community Organizer and Capacity Builder Model - RHIhub Community Health Workers Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

As community organizers and capacity builders, community health workers promote community action and garner support and resources from community organizations to implement new activities.

...Community Health Workers Toolkit --- As community organizers and capacity builders, community health workers promote community...

30. Grant Funding for Community Health Worker Programs - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Provides information on foundations and organizations that have funded community health worker programs and research. health worker programs and research. --- View more Grant Funding for Community Health Worker Programs...