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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: rural referral center

332 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 201 - 210:

201. Tooth B.U.D.D.S. - Models & Innovations
Added: Jul 25, 2024

Tooth B.U.D.D.S. offers free, school-based preventive dental services to children in two rural Arizona counties.

...referrals, Tooth B.U.D.D.S. providers have also identified and reported signs of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and malnourishment in children. Program leadership note that oral examinations can be an essential tool for identifying and helping abused...

202. Community Health Worker Model - RHIhub Diabetes Prevention Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 23, 2020

Information on how community health workers can support diabetes prevention and management programs, and help patients with diabetes learn to manage their disease.

...referrals to agencies or providers, scheduling appointments, and coordinating transportation. The program also provides the Diabetes Self-Management Program and diabetes education. Implementation Considerations Rural communities seeking to implement a CHW model for diabetes care...

203. Roles of Community Health Workers - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 8, 2020

Information on how community health workers' roles and activities are tailored to meet the unique needs of their communities.

...referrals Build community capacity to address health issues Address social determinants of health The specific roles of CHWs may depend on: Services provided by the program, such as: Advocacy Outreach and enrollment Navigation Education Health...

204. NEON Pathways Community Hub - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Jul 6, 2020

A pay-for-outcomes approach that uses community health workers to ensure at-risk community members receive needed evidence-based health and social services.

...Centers for Disease Control grant . Starting in October of 2014, the program moved into the launch phase with operational funding provided by a Federal Office of Rural Health Policy Network Development grant followed...

205. Cavity Free at Three - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Oct 2, 2023

Cavity Free at Three (CF3) works to improve access to preventive oral health for pregnant women and young children within frontier and rural Colorado communities.

...Cavity Free at Three --- Cavity Free at Three (CF3) works to improve access to preventive...

206. Rural Patients with Chronic Disease: A Nonprofit Organization and a Health Department Leverage Federal Funding to Provide Health Education and Care Coordination - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Feb 20, 2019

An Alabama nonprofit organization and a North Carolina rural health district share how they leverage public funding for quality improvement and rural network development activities that provide unique patient education opportunities for chronic disease prevention and self-management. - The Rural Monitor

...rural Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), a social service agency, and a quality improvement team member from a local hospital's parent organization for monthly meetings focused on innovations directed at providing care...

207. Atlantic General Hospital Patient Centered Medical Home - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Aug 1, 2022

Atlantic General Hospital's patient centered medical home program reduced hospital admission rates, emergency department visits, and total cost of care while better accommodating patients of their 7 rural clinics in eastern Maryland and southern Delaware.

...Atlantic General Hospital Patient Centered Medical Home --- Atlantic General Hospital's patient centered medical home...

208. HCC Network's Project Connect Event - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Jun 21, 2024

To reach out to underserved adults living in rural West Central Missouri, HCC Network organizes Project Connect events, daylong resource fairs that offer free public health and human services.

...HCC Network's Project Connect Event --- To reach out to underserved adults living in rural...

209. Funding Sources - RHIhub Substance Use Disorder Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Nov 23, 2020

Funding sources for rural substance use disorder programs are listed.

...Funding Sources - RHIhub Substance Use Disorder Toolkit --- Funding sources for rural substance use disorder programs...

210. Community Health Worker-based Chronic Care Management Program - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Aug 15, 2024

A community health worker-based Chronic Care Management program implemented in a 3-state area of Appalachia has a sustainability track record due to insurance payer support.

...Community Health Worker-based Chronic Care Management Program --- A community health worker-based Chronic Care...