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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 171 - 180:

171. Factors Influencing Patient Adherence with Diabetic Eye Screening in Rural Communities: A Qualitative Study - Resources
Date: Nov 2018

Reports on a study in rural Wisconsin to understand the circumstances affecting diabetic patients' adherence to yearly eye screening in order to design effective interventions and increase screenings in rural health settings.

...Diabetic Eye Screening in Rural Communities: A Qualitative Study --- Reports on a study in rural...

172. Missing the Handoff: Post-Hospitalization Follow-up Care Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries With Diabetes - Resources
Date: Jul 2012

Presents findings of an analysis of urban – rural differences in 30 day post-discharge physician follow-up care for people with diabetes.

...Diabetes --- Presents findings of an analysis of urban – rural differences in 30 day post-discharge...

173. Diabetic Education in Rural Areas - Resources
Date: Jun 2014

Evaluates best evidence-based strategies, focused on hemoglobin A1C reductions, to improve diabetic disparities that exist in rural communities.

...diabetic disparities that exist in rural communities. --- View more Diabetic Education in Rural Areas Link...

174. Living With Diabetes in Appalachia: A Focus Group Study - Resources
Date: 2018

Focus group study in rural West Virginia examining how adults with type 2 diabetes manage the challenges brought on by their condition. Aims to inform holistic nursing practices in Appalachia by analyzing participants' responses to various interview questions.

...Diabetes in Appalachia: A Focus Group Study --- Focus group study in rural West Virginia examining...

175. Community-Engaged Systems for Population Health Improvement: A Novel Approach to Improve Diabetes Outcomes in Rural Communities - Resources
Date: Jul 2024

Describes the design and implementation of a community-driven diabetes prevention and care management initiative focused on coalition-building and decentralized decision-making in two rural Nebraska communities. Discusses planning, capacity-building, community engagement, and sustainability.

...Diabetes Outcomes in Rural Communities --- Describes the design and implementation of a community-driven diabetes...

176. Dissemination Audiences - RHIhub Diabetes Prevention Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 23, 2020

Discusses potential audiences to consider for disseminating information about rural diabetes programs.

...Diabetes Prevention Toolkit --- Discusses potential audiences to consider for disseminating information about rural diabetes programs...

177. Elements of Successful Rural Diabetes Management Programs - Resources
Date: 2006

Discusses innovations implemented by rural chronic disease management programs, with a focus on diabetes management as a proxy for all chronic diseases. Explored how local innovations overcame challenges of the rural setting in order to provide effective and efficient disease management.

...Diabetes Management Programs --- Discusses innovations implemented by rural chronic disease management programs, with a focus...

178. Expect Delays: Poor Connections Between Rural and Urban Health Systems Challenge Multidisciplinary Care for Rural Americans with Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Resources
Date: Jun 2020

Investigates communication barriers between rural and urban health systems to identify factors that may be contributing to higher risk of major amputation among rural patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) compared to urban patients with DFUs. Barriers for rural providers include time-consuming referrals; poor interactions with urban providers; and data sharing issues due to multiple, disconnected electronic health records.

...Diabetic Foot Ulcers --- Investigates communication barriers between rural and urban health systems to identify factors...

179. Teleophthalmology: Ophthalmologists Talk Remote Eye Care Solutions - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jan 9, 2019

Teleophthalmology has an established track record. Two ophthalmologists talk about present and future realities for remote eye care technology. - The Rural Monitor

...Diabetes Center and the Indian Health Service to address diabetic retinopathy (DR), the IHS-Joslin...

180. Assessment of Disparities in Diabetes Mortality in Adults in US Rural vs Nonrural Counties, 1999-2018 - Resources
Date: Sep 2022

Explores disparities in diabetes mortality based on county urbanization, comparing data from 1999-2000 through 2017-2018. Includes statistics with breakdowns by sex, age group, region, four 2-year periods, and 3 levels of population density.

...Diabetes Mortality in Adults in US Rural vs Nonrural Counties, 1999-2018 --- Explores disparities in diabetes...