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Rural Health Information Hub

Toolkits Search Results for: community health workers

258 Toolkits webpages matched your search. Here are matches 171 - 180:

171. Condom Distribution Programs - RHIhub HIV/AIDS Toolkit
Reviewed: Apr 8, 2022

Condom distribution programs are structural interventions that involve the distribution of condoms as a mechanism to prevent HIV transmission. HIV prevention program. Young gay men serve as peer outreach workers and educate other young gay men in small-group settings on proper condom use and offer free condoms. Maine Health...

172. Common Implementation Challenges and Facilitators - RHIhub Community Health Toolkit
Reviewed: Feb 29, 2024

Some of the most common challenges experienced when implementing a rural community health program and factors that contribute to successful rural community health programs.

...communities implementing rural health programs often face challenges recruiting specific healthcare workers, such as physicians...

173. Case Management Model - RHIhub Substance Use Disorder Toolkit
Reviewed: Nov 23, 2020

The case management model supports individuals as they move through the continuum of care.

...communities may have limited social services, and available services may be difficult to access. Case managers may be nurses, social workers, or have expertise in other health...

174. Implementation Considerations for Preventing Injuries among Hispanic and Latino Farmworkers - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Mar 27, 2024

Considerations for implementing programs that prevent unintentional injuries among Hispanic and Latino farmworkers.

...Health topic guide provides additional information about migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. The Rural Health Equity Toolkit discusses approaches for equitably engaging with communities...

175. Families Plus – RHIhub Mental Health Toolkit
Reviewed: May 15, 2024

Describes Family Plus's FORHP 330A grant program in Colorado addressing rural mental health. professionals and peer specialists. Models represented by this program: Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration Model Non-Clinical Mental Health Workers Model Mental Health First Aid Model Wraparound Services and Community...

176. Legal Considerations for Emergency Preparedness and Response - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Nov 14, 2022

Learn about legal and ethical issues to consider related to emergency preparedness and response in rural areas.

...worker liability and protection, and personal health information. The Public Health Emergency Preparedness Clearinghouse , from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), compiles statutes, regulations, orders, reports, and legal tools that rural communities...

177. Primary Care Behavioral Health Model - Rural Services Integration Toolkit
Reviewed: Jun 21, 2018

Information about the primary care behavioral health model including examples and implementation considerations. record. Cherokee Health Systems , which serves several rural communities in Tennessee, is a national leader in primary care behavioral health integration. Cherokee embeds behavioral health consultants, who are commonly psychologists or clinical social workers...

178. Rural Firefighters Delivering Agricultural Safety and Health (RF-DASH) - RHIhub Unintentional Injury Toolkit
Added: Mar 27, 2024

The Rural Firefighters Delivering Agricultural Safety and Health (RF-DASH) program equips rural firefighters with the resources and training to improve safety and identify hazards on local farms.

...Health (RF-DASH) program trains firefighters using a train-the-trainer approach to educate agricultural workers in their community...

179. Emergency Preparedness and Response for Infectious Disease Outbreaks - RHIhub Toolkit
Added: Nov 14, 2022

Learn about historical infectious disease outbreaks and how rural communities can prepare for, respond to, and recover from future infectious disease outbreaks. system resources, resulting in increased risk for adverse health outcomes among rural populations. Unique considerations for rural healthcare systems during an infectious disease outbreak include: Financial limitations of rural healthcare systems may require financial...

180. Enrollment, Navigation, and Referral Model – Rural Oral Health Toolkit
Reviewed: May 6, 2022

Learn about an oral health program approach that focuses on helping eligible individuals enroll in Medicaid or otherwise access coverage for dental services. programs can work to expand access to dental coverage through community-based strategies. Some programs provide insurance counseling and enrollment assistance. For example, one rural community works with Medicaid outreach workers...