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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 161 - 170:

161. Diabetic Education in Rural Areas - Resources
Date: Jun 2014

Evaluates best evidence-based strategies, focused on hemoglobin A1C reductions, to improve diabetic disparities that exist in rural communities.

...diabetic disparities that exist in rural communities. --- View more Diabetic Education in Rural Areas Link...

162. Missing the Handoff: Post-Hospitalization Follow-up Care Among Rural Medicare Beneficiaries With Diabetes - Resources
Date: Jul 2012

Presents findings of an analysis of urban – rural differences in 30 day post-discharge physician follow-up care for people with diabetes.

...Diabetes --- Presents findings of an analysis of urban – rural differences in 30 day post-discharge...

163. Assessment of Disparities in Diabetes Mortality in Adults in US Rural vs Nonrural Counties, 1999-2018 - Resources
Date: Sep 2022

Explores disparities in diabetes mortality based on county urbanization, comparing data from 1999-2000 through 2017-2018. Includes statistics with breakdowns by sex, age group, region, four 2-year periods, and 3 levels of population density.

...Diabetes Mortality in Adults in US Rural vs Nonrural Counties, 1999-2018 --- Explores disparities in diabetes...

164. Examining Protective and Buffering Associations Between Sociocultural Factors and Adverse Childhood Experiences among American Indian Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Quantitative, Community-based Participatory Research Approach - Resources
Date: 2018

Presents a study on the possible correlations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in American Indians and Alaska Natives. Breaks down data by age, gender, and social support, among other factors.

...Diabetes: A Quantitative, Community-based Participatory Research Approach --- Presents a study on the possible correlations...

165. A Longitudinal Study of Structural Risk Factors for Obesity and Diabetes Among American Indian Young Adults, 1994-2008 - Resources
Date: May 2015

Investigates possible links between high rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes among American Indian young adults and other risk factors such as poverty, frequent changes of residence, and stress.

...Diabetes Among American Indian Young Adults, 1994-2008 --- Investigates possible links between high rates of obesity...

166. Sociocultural Construction of Food Ways in Low-Income Mexican-American Women with Diabetes: A Qualitative Study - Resources
Date: Aug 2016

Explores successful type 2 diabetes management practices of low-income Hispanic women residing in a rural community on the Texas-Mexico border in a sociocultural context, specifically looking at foodways. Foodways are the cultural, social, and economic practices relating to the production and consumption of food.

...Diabetes: A Qualitative Study --- Explores successful type 2 diabetes management practices of low-income Hispanic...

167. Enhancing Access and Impact of the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program Using Telehealth: A Narrative Review - Resources
Date: Dec 2023

Evaluates the viability of telehealth delivery of the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) via a literature review of telehealth-based disease prevention program research. Discusses clinical effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability, and policies affecting MDPP implementation. Highlights rural-relevant research findings and discusses access benefits of remote delivery.

...Diabetes Prevention Program Using Telehealth: A Narrative Review --- Evaluates the viability of telehealth delivery of the Medicare...

168. Dissemination Audiences - RHIhub Diabetes Prevention Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 23, 2020

Discusses potential audiences to consider for disseminating information about rural diabetes programs.

...Diabetes Prevention Toolkit --- Discusses potential audiences to consider for disseminating information about rural diabetes programs...

169. Contextualizing Obesity and Diabetes Policy: Exploring a Nested Statistical and Constructivist Approach at the Cross-National and Subnational Government Level in the United States and Brazil - Resources
Date: Nov 2017

Compares state and rural municipal governments in Mississippi and Brazil in their use of infrastructural resources to facilitate adoption of obesity and diabetes policy.

...diabetes policy. --- View more Contextualizing Obesity and Diabetes Policy: Exploring a Nested Statistical and Constructivist...

170. Diabetes Mortality in Rural America: 1999-2015 - Resources
Date: Aug 2017

Examines diabetes-related mortality, with a particular focus on the roles of rurality and race, during a 16-year period from 1999-2015.

...Diabetes Mortality in Rural America: 1999-2015 --- Examines diabetes-related mortality, with a particular focus...