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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 151 - 160:

151. Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions: Asthma, Diabetes, and Congestive Heart Failure in South Carolina - Resources
Date: May 2003

Reports findings from a study that looked at hospitalization for diabetes, congestive heart failure, and asthma among South Carolina residents aged 50-64 who were insured by Medicaid or by a large private insurance plan.

...Diabetes, and Congestive Heart Failure in South Carolina --- Reports findings from a study that looked...

152. Assessment of Barriers to the Delivery of Medicare Reimbursed Diabetes Self-Management Education in Rural Areas - Resources
Date: Sep 2004

Explores the barriers that rural practitioners face in providing Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) to Medicare beneficiaries.

...Diabetes Self-Management Education in Rural Areas --- Explores the barriers that rural practitioners face in providing...

153. Hypertension, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Weight, and Weight Control Activities Among Non-Metro Minority Adults - Resources
Date: Dec 2002

Reports on hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol screening, weight control, and exercise among rural populations, with an emphasis on rural minorities.

...Diabetes, Cholesterol, Weight, and Weight Control Activities Among Non-Metro Minority Adults --- Reports on hypertension...

154. Residence in a Distressed County in Appalachia as a Risk Factor for Diabetes, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2006-2007 - Resources
Date: Sep 2010

Discusses rates of self-reported diagnosed diabetes among residents of Appalachian counties. Shows breakdowns by level of county prosperity, based on unemployment rates, per capita income, and poverty. Includes statistical analysis by age group, sex, income, race/ethnicity, education, tobacco use, physical activity level, and weight status.

...Diabetes, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2006-2007 --- Discusses rates of self-reported diagnosed diabetes...

155. Dissemination Audiences - RHIhub Diabetes Prevention Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Sep 23, 2020

Discusses potential audiences to consider for disseminating information about rural diabetes programs.

...Diabetes Prevention Toolkit --- Discusses potential audiences to consider for disseminating information about rural diabetes programs...

156. The Social Determinants of Health of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity: A Research Framework - Resources
Date: 2015

Examines the social determinants of health related to childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes from a Native perspective, considering historical trauma, self-determination, and cultural factors. Looks at currently available information, identifies gaps, and provides a research framework to help build a better understanding of the causes of child obesity among Native Americans.

...Diabetes and Obesity: A Research Framework --- Examines the social determinants of health related to childhood...

157. Enhancing Access and Impact of the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program Using Telehealth: A Narrative Review - Resources
Date: Dec 2023

Evaluates the viability of telehealth delivery of the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) via a literature review of telehealth-based disease prevention program research. Discusses clinical effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability, and policies affecting MDPP implementation. Highlights rural-relevant research findings and discusses access benefits of remote delivery.

...Diabetes Prevention Program Using Telehealth: A Narrative Review --- Evaluates the viability of telehealth delivery of the Medicare...

158. Diabetes Self-Management: Rural Policy Brief - Resources
Reviewed: Mar 2024

Policy brief focused on Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) in rural areas. Provides an overview of factors that impact rural access to and use of DSMES. Identifies policy options to improve rural access to DSMES and provides two brief case studies.

...Diabetes Self-Management: Rural Policy Brief --- Policy brief focused on Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support...

159. Assessment of Disparities in Diabetes Mortality in Adults in US Rural vs Nonrural Counties, 1999-2018 - Resources
Date: Sep 2022

Explores disparities in diabetes mortality based on county urbanization, comparing data from 1999-2000 through 2017-2018. Includes statistics with breakdowns by sex, age group, region, four 2-year periods, and 3 levels of population density.

...Diabetes Mortality in Adults in US Rural vs Nonrural Counties, 1999-2018 --- Explores disparities in diabetes...

160. ECHO Diabetes in the Time of COVID-19 - Resources
Date: Sep 2020

A series of 16 free Continuing Medical Education (CME) accredited webinars offering specialty support for primary care providers when addressing the needs of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

...diabetes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. --- View more ECHO Diabetes in the Time...