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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: rural referral center

332 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 101 - 110:

101. Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration Model - RHIhub Mental Health Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: May 15, 2024

Learn about the primary care behavioral health integration model for improving access to rural mental health services.

...Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration Model - RHIhub Mental Health Toolkit --- Learn about the primary care...

102. Mobility on Demand – RHIhub Transportation Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Jun 4, 2019

Overview of mobility on demand models used in rural communities.

...centers, public transit systems, and local human service agencies to organize transportation. Ride Connection provides transportation services to residents of rural Clackamas and Washington counties in Oregon. The program serves primarily residents...

103. Testing New Approaches - Other

Learn why rural-specific health system demonstration projects are needed and review current demonstrations underway now.

...Center’s ACO Investment Model (AIM) to inform future ACO policies. The remaining track, the Community Transformation Track, was designed to fund rural communities to develop and implement a healthcare delivery redesign strategy. In September...

104. Achieving Behavioral Health Care Integration in Rural America - Resources
Date: May 2023

Provides an overview of behavioral health and primary care integration and how integration may be different in rural areas than in urban and suburban areas. Examines the barriers to integration in rural areas and opportunities for policies that can improve access to care. Offers policy recommendations to better coordinate and integrate primary care and behavioral health services for high-risk groups and expand the ability of primary care providers to handle the lower-acuity behavioral health needs of patients through enhanced payments, training, and improved access to behavioral health providers for consultation and referral. Builds on the March 2021 report, Tackling America's Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Through Primary Care Integration.

...referral. Builds on the March 2021 report, Tackling America's Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Through Primary Care Integration. --- View more Achieving Behavioral Health Care Integration in Rural America Link View Resource Description Provides...

105. Frontier Community Health Integration Program (FCHIP) Demonstration - Other

Learn about a completed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services demonstration program that tested new models for frontier healthcare delivery.

...Rural Counties - Final Report , U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Frontier Community Health Integration Project Demonstration: Final Evaluation Report , Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Report to Congress: Demonstration Project on Community Health Integration Models...

106. Mizzou Educates the Next Generation of Rural Providers through Lectures, Clerkships, and Community Integration - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Dec 5, 2018

The MU AHEC Rural Track Pipeline Program in Missouri prepares its medical students and residents for rural practice through a lecture series, rural clerkships, and a community integration project. - The Rural Monitor

...rural communities. In the pipeline program, 54.4% of participants are practicing in the state, with 36.7% of them in rural communities. Kenney, the pediatrician, can speak to the success of this pipeline approach. She grew...

107. Biography for Makenzie Atherton, Content Development Coordinator - About RHIhub

Learn more about Makenzie Atherton, Content Development Coordinator for the Rural Health Information Hub.

...Rural Health Information Hub --- Learn more about Makenzie Atherton, Content Development Coordinator for the Rural Health Information Hub. --- View more Makenzie Atherton, Content Development Coordinator Makenzie Atherton joined the Rural Health Information...

108. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Reviewed: Apr 8, 2022

Information on the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, a five-part federal program that funds primary care and support services for uninsured or underinsured people living with HIV.

...rural areas. The RWHAP includes: Part A: Grants to Emerging Metropolitan & Transitional Grant Areas Part A provides grant funding for medical and support services to population centers and some surrounding rural areas most impacted...

109. Healthcare Access in Rural Communities Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Nov 21, 2022

Provides resources and answers frequently asked questions related to healthcare access. Discusses the importance of primary care for rural residents and covers barriers to healthcare access in rural areas, such as transportation, insurance, and workforce issues. Highlights strategies to improve access to care for rural residents.

...rural areas? Home Health Home health services in rural America are a growing need, but may be difficult to access for some rural residents. A 2022 Rural & Minority Health Research Center findings brief indicates that...

110. Finding Statistics and Data Related to Rural Health Overview - Topic Guides
Reviewed: Dec 16, 2022

Resources and information to help you locate and fairly and accurately use statistics and data on rural health needs and rural/urban disparities.

...Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services helps identify county-level data sources covering a range of CMS programs. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Geographic Comparisons offer state-level and county-level data...