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Website Search Results for: diabetes

679 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 101 - 110:

101. Trends and Variations in Emergency Department Use Associated With Diabetes in the US by Sociodemographic Factors, 2008-2017 - Resources
Date: May 2022

Results of a study using data from 32 million emergency department (ED) visits from 2008-2017, examining the rates of diabetes-related ED use across various geographic areas and subgroups. Features statistics including age-adjusted rates of diabetes-specific ED use among U.S. adults, with breakdowns by rural or urban status.

...Diabetes in the US by Sociodemographic Factors, 2008-2017 --- Results of a study using data...

102. Diabetes and the Rural Safety Net - Resources
Date: Jan 2002

Investigates the extent to which the rural safety net is able to meet the needs of people with diabetes. Includes case studies of four uninsured or underinsured rural New England residents with diabetes.

...diabetes. Includes case studies of four uninsured or underinsured rural New England residents with diabetes...

103. Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs in Nonmetropolitan Counties — United States, 2016 - Resources
Date: Apr 2017

Examines the availability of diabetes self-management education (DSME) programs in nonmetropolitan counties. Includes data on related characteristics for nonmetro counties with and without DSME programs, including diabetes incidence and prevalence, race/ethnicity, income, educational attainment, and other demographic information.

...Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs in Nonmetropolitan Counties — United States, 2016 --- Examines the availability of diabetes...

104. Smoking, Rural Residence and Diabetes as Risk Factors for Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome - Resources
Date: Feb 2022

Investigates how smoking, geographical location, and diabetes impact presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (POHS) and associated choroidal neovascularization (CNV) based on data from 751 adult patients during a 7-year period between January 2013 and December 2019. Includes data predictions to indicate whether there are connections between smoking, diabetes, and rural-urban locations for POHS and for POHS with CNV.

...Diabetes as Risk Factors for Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome --- Investigates how smoking, geographical location, and diabetes...

105. Staving Off One's Mortality: Rural Kidney Health and Its Disparities - The Rural Monitor - Rural Monitor
Date: Jun 15, 2022

For the 240,000 rural Americans with complete kidney failure, it's likely that very few knew they even had kidney disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, kidney disease is usually silent; 90% of people with kidney disease don't know they have it. With research pointing to the high costs of kidney disease for pediatric and adult patients alike — mostly covered by Medicare — experts and researchers discuss rural disparities around access to disease-stabilizing treatment and to renal replacement therapies. - The Rural Monitor

...diabetes" that are tracked over a diabetic patient's lifetime. "For persons with diabetes, there...

106. Diabetes & Hypertension among Rural Hispanics: Disparities in Diagnostics and Disease Management - Resources
Date: Aug 2004

Reports findings from a project that examined the association of Hispanic ethnicity and rural residence on diagnosis of diabetes and hypertension, poor medical control among those known to have these conditions, and likelihood of having undiagnosed diabetes or hypertension.

...diabetes or hypertension. --- View more Diabetes & Hypertension among Rural Hispanics: Disparities in Diagnostics and Disease...

107. Developing a Culturally Competent, Sustainable Rural Model for Diabetes Prevention - Resources
Date: Feb 2015

Assesses a community- and family-based approach to diabetes prevention and management in 11 Appalachian counties across 3 states. Highlights the benefits of utilizing a culturally sensitive approach to diabetes education and awareness when engaging rural communities.

...Diabetes Prevention --- Assesses a community- and family-based approach to diabetes prevention and management in 11 Appalachian...

108. Joint Effect of Race/Ethnicity or Location of Residence and Sex on Low Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol among Veterans with Type 2 Diabetes: A 10-year Retrospective Cohort Study - Resources
Date: Oct 2020

Details a study exploring the intersection of race/ethnicity, gender, and rurality in the effective management of cardiovascular disease by veterans with type 2 diabetes. Highlights the importance and difficulty of managing low-density lipoproteins (LDL) for patients with both cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Breaks down data by race, sex, and rural versus urban location.

...Diabetes: A 10-year Retrospective Cohort Study --- Details a study exploring the intersection of race/ethnicity...

109. Diabetes Prevalence and Monitoring in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan Areas Within a Commercially Insured U.S. Population - Resources
Date: Jun 2023

Explores the prevalence of diabetes in metro and nonmetro areas. Draws data from commercial insurance enrollees and compares rates of diabetes testing and outcomes by rurality.

...diabetes testing and outcomes by rurality. --- View more Diabetes Prevalence and Monitoring in Nonmetropolitan and Metropolitan...

110. Dialysis More Available Than Patient Education in Counties With High Diabetes Prevalence - Resources
Date: Aug 2024

Compares availability of dialysis and diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) services at the county level, and discusses impacts of DSMES access on prevalence of end stage renal disease. Analyzes county-level characteristics associated with availability of dialysis or DSMES, including rurality, diabetes prevalence, presence of a Federally Qualified Health Center or Rural Health Clinic, and more.

...Diabetes Prevalence --- Compares availability of dialysis and diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) services...