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Rural Health Information Hub

Website Search Results for: Food Security

1089 webpages matched your search. Here are matches 1021 - 1030:

1021. North Carolina State Designated Rural Health Centers Support Grants - Funding
Deadline: Mar 24, 2023

Funding for state-designated rural health centers in North Carolina to provide access to high quality, cost-effective primary medical care for underserved communities in the state. access to transportation, food, housing, and personal violence resources. Funding may be used for: Medical...

1022. The Future of Remote Patient Monitoring - Resources
Date: Jan 2024

Provides an overview of remote monitoring, including evidence-based use cases, coverage and utilization across payers, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of remote monitoring devices, equity implications, and data security and privacy. Offers policy recommendations regarding ways to improve the use of remote monitoring services, ensure equitable access to these services across populations, and enhance data security and privacy standards. Includes rural references throughout.

...Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation of remote monitoring devices, equity implications, and data security...

1023. Foundation Grants to Rural Areas from 2005 to 2010: Trends and Patterns - Resources
Date: Jun 2015

Describes trends in foundation grant funding provided to benefit rural communities, how funds are allocated, what types of foundations fund rural projects, and how grants are distributed geographically. Includes grants to rural-based organizations and to urban organizations for work primarily benefiting rural areas. Provides information on funding for rural health, as well as topics that impact health, such as food and nutrition. Discusses factors that may impact the capacity of rural communities to secure grant funding. and nutrition. Discusses factors that may impact the capacity of rural communities to secure...

1024. HHS: Declaration of Emergency Pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act - News
Date: Jul 24, 2024

Notice from the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) amending section 564(b)(1)(C) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act to recognize the significant potential for a public health emergency that could affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad involving biological agents, namely pandemic influenza A and influenza A viruses with pandemic potential. This determination broadens an April 19, 2013, determination regarding the avian influenza A (H79N) virus to apply generally to pandemic influenza A viruses and influenza A viruses with pandemic potential. Source: Federal Register.

...Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act to recognize the significant potential for a public health emergency that could affect national security...

1025. First Responders to Hot Air Balloon Crash in Caldwell County, Texas, Use All-Hazards Response Framework for Mass Fatality Event — RHIhub Emergency Preparedness Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Nov 14, 2022

Describes how the Caldwell County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management responded to a hot air balloon crash resulting in mass fatalities in Maxwell, Texas in July of 2016., water, and supplies. Law enforcement assisted with scene security and control, which was managed...

1026. Farm Assessment and Rehabilitation Methods (FARM) Program - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Feb 21, 2024

The FARM program helps disabled or ill farmers continue to operate and work their Wisconsin farms.

...Food and Agriculture for a 3-year project, Securing Beginning Farmers Through Succession Planning . The project...

1027. Medical Legal Partnership of Southern Illinois - Models & Innovations
Reviewed: Aug 3, 2023

The Medical Legal Partnership of Southern Illinois (MLPSI) was formed to create a system where medical providers can refer patients in need of legal assistance to local attorneys. stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid, income support, public benefits, and social security disability. Provides advice...

1028. Rural Heart Health and Community Partnerships, with Jennifer Conner, Jessica Black, and Dianne Connery – Exploring Rural Health Podcast - Podcast Episode
Date: Feb 6, 2024

The February 2024 episode of RHIhub's podcast features an interview with the American Heart Association's Jennifer Conner, PhD, Vice President of Rural Health Southwest Region, and Jessica Black, National Vice President of Community Health. Also joining us is Dianne Connery, Director of the Pottsboro Texas Area Public Library.

...foods and how I'm accessing that; that's around physical activity; but it's also other, what we call broadly social determinants, housing security...

1029. Considerations for Selecting and Implementing Strategies to Advance Health Equity - RHIhub Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Oct 13, 2022

Learn about specific strategies and policies that rural communities may implement to advance health equity. systems and agriculture, healthcare access, housing stability, mental health and connectedness, and job security...

1030. Extreme Freeze Leaves Rural Community Without Power or Running Water in Texas: Pottsboro Area Library Coordinates Emergency Response - RHIhub Emergency Preparedness Toolkit - Toolkits
Added: Nov 14, 2022

Shares how a library in rural Pottsboro, Texas responded and adapted to meet the needs of their community after losing power and water from an extreme ice storm in February 2021. was one such concern, and the library partnered with a local restaurant to address this problem. In exchange for securing...