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Rural Health Information Hub

Resources Search Results for: hispanic

385 Resources webpages matched your search. Here are matches 91 - 100:

91. Disparities in Educational Attainment by Race, Ethnicity Persist in Rural America
Date: Feb 2021

Stacked bar chart comparing educational attainment in 2000 and 2019 for rural White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Hispanic adults age 25 and older. Each bar shows the portion of the population with an educational attainment of below high school; high school, some college, or associate's degree; and bachelor's degree or higher.

...Hispanic adults age 25 and older. Each bar shows the portion of the population with...

92. Race and Ethnicity of Rural Labor Force Vary by Industry
Date: Feb 2023

Bar chart showing employment share by race/ethnicity in the 6 largest rural industries in 2019: agriculture, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, accommodation/food services, and government. Includes data for Black, American Indian, Asian, and Hispanic workers.

...Hispanic workers. --- View more Race and Ethnicity of Rural Labor Force Vary by Industry Link...

93. U.S. Unemployment Rates for the Prime-Working-Age Population (Ages 25 to 54) in Metro and Nonmetro Areas by Race/Ethnicity, 2007 and 2019–22
Date: Nov 2023

Bar chart showing metro and nonmetro unemployment rates in 2007, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 for the following populations aged 25-54: White, Black or African American, and Hispanic or Latino.

...Hispanic or Latino. --- View more U.S. Unemployment Rates for the Prime-Working-Age Population (Ages...

94. Mapping the Health Information Landscape in a Rural, Culturally Diverse Region: Implications for Interventions to Reduce Information Inequality
Date: Aug 2017

Examines disparities in health information access using news sources in a rural area of California with a large Hispanic population. Compares differences between news topics covered and regional health issues. Offers recommendations for public health officials and others.

...Hispanic population. Compares differences between news topics covered and regional health issues. Offers recommendations for public...

95. Racial and Ethnic Minorities Made Up About 22 Percent of the Rural Population in 2018, Compared to 43 Percent in Urban Areas
Date: Oct 2020

Side-by-side pie charts comparing the race and ethnicity makeup of the rural population and urban population in 2018. Provides data on the percent of each population that is White, Black, American Indian, Hispanic, and other.

...Hispanic, and other. --- View more Racial and Ethnic Minorities Made Up About 22 Percent of the Rural...

96. Racial, Ethnic, and Rural Disparities in Distance to Physicians among Decedents with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias in Washington State
Date: Mar 2024

Evaluates travel distance to the nearest neurologist and primary care physician among people whose cause of death was related to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) in the state of Washington. Utilizes 2011-2021 mortality data. Includes breakdowns of distance to care by race, ethnicity, and level of rurality. Highlights geographic access disparities experienced by American Indian, Alaska Native, and Hispanic people.

...Hispanic people. --- View more Racial, Ethnic, and Rural Disparities in Distance to Physicians among Decedents...

97. Health Equity and COVID-19: The Impact of Rural Residence on COVID-19 Disparities
Date: May 2021

Policy brief discussing rural health disparities, social determinants of health, access to care, and COVID-19 impacts in rural Georgia. Compares rural and urban COVID-19 case and death rates, distribution of cases by race, and disparities in Black and Hispanic rural counties. Offers policy recommendations to address disparities.

...Hispanic rural counties. Offers policy recommendations to address disparities. --- View more Health Equity and COVID...

98. A Snapshot of Racial Inequities in Human Services Programs in Rural Contexts
Date: Dec 2022

Examines the need for human services across rural counties and broken down by racial/ethnic groups. Provides data on human services funding per person, unemployment rate, poverty rate, access to broadband, and access to vehicles by rural Black, Hispanic, Native, and White citizens. Includes a 2018 county-level U.S. map that depicts rural counties with high needs for human services by predominant race.

...Hispanic, Native, and White citizens. Includes a 2018 county-level U.S. map that depicts rural...

99. MedlinePlus and the Challenge of Low Health Literacy: Findings From the Colonias Project
Date: Jan 2007

Describes the Colonias Project, a health literacy outreach project using promotoras in low-income Hispanic communities along the Texas-Mexico border.

...Hispanic communities along the Texas-Mexico border. --- View more MedlinePlus and the Challenge of Low Health...

100. Hispanic/Latino Populations for Nonmetropolitan Counties
Date: 2023

Printable map that shows the percent of the U.S. population by county who are Hispanic or Latino.

...Hispanic or Latino. --- View more Hispanic/Latino Populations for Nonmetropolitan Counties Link View Resource Description Printable...