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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor

Con Alma Health Foundation: Health Equity and COVID Relief

January 13, 2021
Dolores E. Roybal, executive director of Con Alma Health Foundation, discusses how her foundation partnered with other funders to provide almost $2 million in grants and created an advisory committee of immigrant-led, immigrant-serving organizations to address barriers limiting access to services.

Lakewood Engage Tackles Food Insecurity in Rural Minnesota

December 23, 2020
To address the issue of food insecurity in the rural Minnesota communities it serves, Lakewood Health System created Lakewood Engage, a community-based program with multiple initiatives including a "Food Farmacy," home delivery, and a farmers market.

Listening to Rural Stories: Q&A with Alisa Druzba

November 25, 2020
Alisa Druzba, director of the New Hampshire's Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, discusses her journey to becoming a SORH director, the ways her state has been affected by the pandemic, and the favorite parts of her job.

Nursing Preparedness: Words from Researchers and Rural Nurses

November 10, 2020
Job preparedness is essential for quality caregiving, professional success, and satisfaction. Three rural registered nurses join a nursing doctoral candidate to share their stories about the path to their profession and their perspective on rural nursing preparedness.

One Health: Bringing Health to Humans, Animals, and the Environment

October 14, 2020
Wondering about animal-to-human diseases? Or human medical conditions related to the environment? Federal experts join health educators to talk about how understanding a One Health approach for human, animal, and environmental health can be helpful for rural healthcare organizations.

Wabanaki Public Health Serves Native People, Community, and Culture During COVID-19 Crisis

September 30, 2020
Tribal communities have been hit especially hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Serving the four federally recognized tribes in Maine, Wabanaki Public Health is taking a stand to address these disparities. A recipient of the Rural Tribal COVID Response (RTCR) grant, they have implemented a number of programs to meet the needs of their communities, providing support by reinforcing cultural connection even in the most difficult of times.