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Rural Health Information Hub

Feb 26, 2015

Winter 2015

University of North Dakota Physician Assistant studentsDistance Education

Education at a Distance: Virtual Classrooms Bring Healthcare Classes to Rural Areas
by Kate Menzies
Highlights three university programs that are embracing distance education to allow professionals to stay in their rural communities while earning a degree.

Rural Student Profiles
by Kate Menzies
Profiles of four students who have completed distance or hybrid education programs with the aim of advancing their careers and better serving their rural communities.

Challenges for Human Services

by Kathleen Belanger
RHIhub's Human Services Support Guide for Rural Healthcare: Everything Connects
A new and easy-to-navigate RHIhub topic guide helps connect users to rural human services resources.

Look What's Coming

by Wayne Myers, M.D.
Will Hospitals Become Insurers?
A look into the complexities of medical insurance and the consequences that rural communities could face if healthcare systems morph into insurance providers.

Around the Country

by Jami Schumacher

Healthy Clinic Program Helps Colorado Rural Clinics Build Stronger Foundations
The Healthy Clinic Assessment program is helping rural clinics in Colorado identify problems so Kūlana Hawai'i participants exercise as a groupthey can improve operations and potentially earn PCMH status.

Hawaiian Weight Management Program Aims for Healthy, Happy Lives
The Kūlana Hawai'i program employs an integrated team of health professionals to address internal and external factors relating to weight management.