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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor
Articles by Topic: Physicians

Burnout: Measurement Tool(s), Cause(s) and Impact(s)

January 22, 2020
Over 40% of today's physicians are burned out. A closer look at research indicates that not only is this a system problem rather than an individual problem, but that burnout impacts a system's revenue streams, healthcare quality, and patient safety and satisfaction. Experts suggest the problem may even be of more concern in rural areas.

Strengthening the Workforce to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes in Rural Areas

July 11, 2018
Obstetric services were available in 205 fewer rural hospitals in 2014 than in 2004. Realizing the importance of maternity and childbirth services, a CAH in Alaska works to keep its providers' skills sharp and a rural OB-GYN residency program in Wisconsin is beginning to train a new generation of physicians.

An Interview with David Schmitz

July 13, 2016
NRHA president-elect David Schmitz, MD, shares his thoughts on the recruitment of healthcare providers, training rural physicians, and the challenges and rewards of rural practice.

Counteracting the Darkness of Physician Burnout

March 16, 2016
Physician burnout is rising as a popular healthcare topic, but the reality has been an ongoing problem in rural health settings. Dr. Jill Kruse shares her burnout experience, how she overcame it, and what she is doing to help others, while Dr. Randall Longenecker gives tips on building resiliency.