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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor
Articles by Topic: Patient privacy

Recovering from a Cybersecurity Attack and Protecting the Future in Small, Rural Health Organizations

October 4, 2023
Rural hospitals are becoming increasingly vulnerable to attempts to penetrate information systems to create havoc, steal data, or hold information "hostage" for a monetary ransom. Two Critical Access Hospital leaders discuss attacks at their organizations and how they are working to prevent future attacks. An information technology compliance expert also highlights actions organizations can take to better protect themselves from cyber-attacks.

Healthcare Professionals' Mental Health Needs: Where Can They Go?

January 29, 2020
Recent research has found that not only are nearly 40% of surveyed physicians burned out, but 40% are also experiencing depression. For many reasons — stigma among them — these professionals are not getting mental health support. Physician health programs, in collaboration with professional societies, are trying to change that by working with state licensure boards and other groups.