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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor
Articles by Topic: Human services

Parent Partners Provide Mentoring and Support in Rural Iowa

March 23, 2022
Parent Partners is a statewide program in Iowa that pairs families whose children have been removed from the home with mentors with shared experience who have successfully navigated the state's Department of Human Services (DHS) system. These mentors coach, advocate, and connect their clients with community resources.

Advance Care Planning: New Realities in Times of COVID-19

July 15, 2020
Advance care planning — planning for decision-making in times of medical crisis — has always been intended for all people, all ages, with or without a chronic disease. Clinicians talk about the challenges of these conversations now that COVID-19 has nudged planning from the realm of the theoretical future to current reality.

Bringing Law and Medicine Together to Help Rural Patients

October 19, 2016
Much of a person's health is determined by social and environmental factors such as housing or access to healthcare. When these factors negatively affect a person's health, legal intervention combined with medical care may be the best treatment.