October 17, 2018
Late life domestic violence, considered by some to be a subcategory of elder abuse, also needs the attention of healthcare providers. Hear from researchers about prevalence, screening, costs, and legal issues, in addition to work being done in indigenous populations.
October 17, 2018
Alaska's Southcentral Foundation has a specific solution to Native Alaskan domestic violence issues: the Family Wellness Warriors Initiative.
July 25, 2018
The connection between bullying and youth suicide in rural Union Parish, Louisiana, led a Critical Access Hospital to create an anti-bullying program. Together with local law enforcement, they teach students in elementary through high school the negative effects of peer victimization and how to model positive social behavior.
September 20, 2017
Studies show that the more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) one has, the higher the risk of chronic health conditions, anxiety disorders, low life potential, and even early death. A sense of urgency for early intervention spurred one western North Carolina school district and a Native American tribe in Wisconsin to act. Read more about how their programs confront ACEs and build resiliency to overcome them.
August 19, 2015
Rural Impact, a new public-private collaboration led by the White House Rural Council, will use a multi-generational approach for investing in rural low-income families and communities, with the goal of improving the lives of rural children, including those at risk of child abuse and neglect.