October 23, 2024
Maternal deaths have increased in the U.S., with half of those deaths occurring in the year after childbirth. In many rural communities, accessing necessary postpartum care has become increasingly difficult.
November 30, 2022
Rural EMS providers have fewer chances to practice their skills on the job, but simulation tools can help small agencies prepare for high-stress calls.
October 5, 2022
To keep 24/7 urgent care available in Maine's Moose River Valley, a new pilot program lets paramedics take shifts staffing the local health center after-hours and on weekends.
January 27, 2021
Barbara Leonard and Ruta Kadonoff of the Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) discuss how their foundation provided unrestricted COVID-19 grants and open competitive grants and partnered with other philanthropies pooling together COVID-19 response funds.
July 24, 2019
CAPABLE is a national model that connects low-income seniors with an occupational therapist, registered nurse, and home repair services. Program coordinators from Hawaii and Maine share their successes and the challenges of helping rural residents age safely in place.
July 10, 2019
As more healthcare delivery efforts include social risk assessments, the impact of the social determinants of health is better understood. Rural clinicians, researchers, and other experts share perspectives on social isolation and loneliness.
April 3, 2019
In rural America, many community members do not understand the skill level, training, and availability of the people who answer their 911 calls. The Informed Self-Determination Process helped the community of St. George, Maine learn about their EMS system and created consensus about what EMS would look like in their town.
August 8, 2018
An in-depth look at death certificates shows how this vital statistic document can impact rural healthcare, rural healthcare policy, and public health interventions.
May 16, 2018
Across the country, recruitment and retention challenges are common for rural healthcare entities providing post-acute care. Healthcare leaders share practical examples that have created incentive for staff to join, and stay on, their healthcare teams.
May 2, 2018
Post-acute care (PAC) services available locally can make fully recovering from a serious illness or injury faster and easier, setting the patient and provider up for the best possible outcome. This article looks at how a tertiary facility's communication with skilled nursing facilities, a Critical Access Hospital's swing bed program, and a home health agency are improving patient transitions from acute care to PAC.