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Rural Health Information Hub

May 15, 2014

Spring 2014

Community Mental Health

Mental Health First Aid Offers Helping Hand in Rural Communities
by Candi Helseth
Behavioral health nurse at Memorial Medical CenterMental Health First Aid is an important tool in rural areas to identify and help people in distress.

Sidebar: Resources on Rural Mental Health

Hotlines and Mental Health Screenings Provide Needed Support
by Candi Helseth
Mental health hotlines and mental health screenings offer critical support in getting people the help they need in a timely manner.

Challenges for Human Services

by Kathleen Belanger

Being Connected Is the Key to "Survival of the Fittest" for HIV-positive Women
A Texas program is helping rural HIV-positive women face the challenges of their disease through a team approach.

Look What's Coming

by Wayne Myers, M.D.

Bad News, Good News
An early childhood education intervention project in North Carolina is proving to have long-term health benefits for some of the participants 30 years later.

Around the Country

by Candi Helseth

Dr. Brent Smith

Mississippi Scholarship Program Helps Create More Rural Physicians
The Mississippi Rural Physicians Scholarship Program is addressing the state's health care crisis by providing incentives for medical students to practice in rural areas.



Anaconda Garden Club Plant Sale

Greenhouse Nurtures Confidence and Skills in Montana Psychiatric Patients
Healing Waters Greenhouse at Montana State Hospital helps patients increase social and work skills and decrease stress.

ATC Updates
Updates to previous Around the Country stories
by Beth Blevins

Telepsychiatry to Return to Washington State's San Juan County
A beautiful new facility in Friday Harbor, Wash., is bringing telepsychiatry services back to island residents.

The Health Wagon Featured on CBS News
The Health Wagon, which offers free health care to thousands of patients each year in Southwestern Virginia, was recently spotlighted on the CBS news show, "60 Minutes."

Lisa DavisRural Spotlight

by Beth Blevins

An Interview with Lisa Davis
The director of the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health discusses innovative programs, hydraulic fracking and her work in prisons.

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