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Rural Health Information Hub

The Rural Monitor

In-depth stories examining key rural health issues.

Healthcare Professionals' Mental Health Needs: Where Can They Go?

January 29, 2020
Recent research has found that not only are nearly 40% of surveyed physicians burned out, but 40% are also experiencing depression. For many reasons — stigma among them — these professionals are not getting mental health support. Physician health programs, in collaboration with professional societies, are trying to change that by working with state licensure boards and other groups.

Physician Burnout: Definition(s), Cause(s), Impact(s), Solution(s)

January 22, 2020
National research has revealed it and rural research suggests it: over 40% of today's physicians are burned out. This in-depth story reviews information about burnout in healthcare professions and for physicians in particular. Along with reviewing causes and impact, a medical school wellness-advocate, a researcher, and a large healthcare organization with a rural footprint shared interventions and solutions.

Informal Caregiving and Technology in Rural America

January 8, 2020
As people are living longer and trying to find solutions to delay the expense of long-term care or nursing facilities, family members, including adult children, are increasingly becoming informal, unpaid caregivers. Learn how technology may be a solution to help rural caregivers, what some of the challenges and opportunities are, and read about a current model that has the potential to change the landscape.

It's Possible: Voluntary Accreditation for Rural Public Health Departments

December 18, 2019
With national standards now available for voluntary accreditation, rural public health departments need to determine the feasibility of that activity for their organization. The Public Health Accreditation Board President and CEO joins researchers and experts to share information about accreditation and how rural health departments can achieve that designation.

CDFIs 'Make Dreams Come True' by Creating Opportunity in Rural Spaces

December 4, 2019
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) can offer flexible financing options, but many operate at full capacity and there is a general lack of awareness of these institutions in rural spaces. Foundation and CDFI leaders share their perspectives about the difference CDFIs can make on rural health outcomes.

Diagnosing the Rural COPD Patient: Ask About Symptoms, Use Spirometry

November 20, 2019
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute calculates that 3.5 million rural Americans have COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It's also estimated that hundreds of thousands of rural Americans have the condition and don't know it. Though it is a condition without a cure, it is a condition with hope. The COPD Foundation's Chief Science Officer and a State Captain share how asking questions and doing spirometry can help diagnose the condition.

NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: Involving Rural America in Research

October 23, 2019
A new diagnosis of cancer? Of a rare disease? Or a chronic medical problem with seemingly no new treatment? The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences is supporting investigators and ensuring that their cutting-edge science gets to the people who need it. Translational science teams in Arkansas, Florida and Washington are making that happen in the rural areas of their states.