Rural Health
Resources by Type: Tutorial/Training
Michigan - Substance Use Disorder Project ECHO
Offers a guided practice model to increase workforce capacity and meet the needs of patients by providing best-practice specialty care training to primary care doctors, nurses, and other clinicians through videoconferencing to address the challenges facing providers in the provision of substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Saginaw Valley State University
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Offers a guided practice model to increase workforce capacity and meet the needs of patients by providing best-practice specialty care training to primary care doctors, nurses, and other clinicians through videoconferencing to address the challenges facing providers in the provision of substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Saginaw Valley State University
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Finding and Using Health Statistics
Tutorial describing different types of health statistics, how they are collected, and how to find them. Includes an overview of health statistics, common terms and equations, and a list of data sources. Also provides a set of exercises.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organizations: National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology, U.S. National Library of Medicine
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Tutorial describing different types of health statistics, how they are collected, and how to find them. Includes an overview of health statistics, common terms and equations, and a list of data sources. Also provides a set of exercises.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organizations: National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology, U.S. National Library of Medicine
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Suicide Prevention Online Training
Provides a listing of free online courses for training healthcare and other service providers, educators, health professionals, public officials, and community-based coalitions to develop effective suicide prevention programs and policies. Courses are free but registration is required.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Suicide Prevention Resource Center
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Provides a listing of free online courses for training healthcare and other service providers, educators, health professionals, public officials, and community-based coalitions to develop effective suicide prevention programs and policies. Courses are free but registration is required.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Suicide Prevention Resource Center
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TRAIN Learning Network
Resources for online learning opportunities for healthcare professionals who work in public health. Searchable by subject, keyword, format, and core competencies.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Public Health Foundation
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Resources for online learning opportunities for healthcare professionals who work in public health. Searchable by subject, keyword, format, and core competencies.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Public Health Foundation
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Introduction to Project Budgets
Offers an online course covering the basics of developing a project budget. Most appropriate for those who have general knowledge of proposal development.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Foundation Directory Online by Candid
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Offers an online course covering the basics of developing a project budget. Most appropriate for those who have general knowledge of proposal development.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Foundation Directory Online by Candid
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Introduction to Proposal Writing
Online course introducing the proposal writing process.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Foundation Directory Online by Candid
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Online course introducing the proposal writing process.
Type: Tutorial/Training
Sponsoring organization: Foundation Directory Online by Candid
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