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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Type: Document

Data Quality Assessment of the 2014 Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander National Health Interview Survey
Assesses the quality of the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander National Health Interview Survey (NHPI NHIS), the first federal survey focused on the health of the NHPI population of the United States. Compares the survey's population characteristic results to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey and the annual NHIS for combined years 2010–2014.
Author(s): Adena M. Galinsky, Carla E. Zelaya, Catherine Simile, Patricia M. Barnes
Citation: Vital Health Statistics, 2(174)
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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HIV Testing Among Transgender Women and Men — 27 States and Guam, 2014-2015
Reports on HIV testing behaviors among transgender women, transgender men, gay and bisexual men, and heterosexual men and women. Includes metropolitan and nonmetro demographics for each group, and metro and nonmetro data on HIV testing for transgender men and women.
Author(s): Marc A. Pitasi, Emeka Oraka, Hollie Clark, Machell Town, Elizabeth A. DiNenno
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 66(33), 883-887
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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National, Regional, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13-17 Years — United States, 2016
Reports on adolescent vaccination coverage in the United States, based on data from the 2016 National Immunization Survey–Teen (NIS-Teen). Includes data for nonmetropolitan areas. Vaccination coverage estimates are provided for tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap); meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY); human papillomavirus (HPV); hepatitis B; measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); and varicella.
Author(s): Tanja Y. Walker, Laurie D. Elam-Evans, James A. Singleton, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 66(33), 874-882
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Dental Utilization for Communities Served by Dental Therapists in Alaska's Yukon Kuskokwim Delta: Findings from an Observational Quantitative Study
Presents results from a program evaluation designed to assess the impact of dental therapists on dental utilization and oral health outcomes in the Yukon Kuskokwim (YK) Delta of Alaska. Examines utilization and outcomes based on total dental therapist treatment days, presents results for both child and adult populations, and focuses on three primary measures: preventive dental care use, extraction of teeth, and dental care under general anesthesia.
Author(s): Donald L. Chi, Dane Lenaker, Lloyd Mancl, et al.
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: University of Washington
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Health Disparities in Appalachia
Measures population health in Appalachia and explores disparities within the region and between Appalachia and the country as a whole. Features statistics on mortality, morbidity, behavioral health, child health, community characteristics, lifestyle, healthcare systems, quality of care, and social determinants, with breakdowns between urban and rural areas.
Author(s): Julie L. Marshall, Logan Thomas, Nancy M. Lane, et al.
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Appalachian Regional Commission, PDA, Inc., The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research
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Social Determinants of Health Series: Housing and the Role of Hospitals
Provides an overview of the role of housing in health, and discusses what hospitals can can do to address housing instability as a social determinant of health. Offers five case studies of innovative hospital and health system programs related to housing, including a rural California program that provides safe transitional housing to chronically homeless patients after discharge from the hospital.
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: American Hospital Association, Health Research & Educational Trust
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Heartache, Pain, and Hope: Rural Communities, Older People, and the Opioid Crisis: An Introduction for Funders
Provides an overview of the opioid crisis and its impact on the lives of older adults. Addresses both opioid use by older adults and addiction within older adults' families. Identifies solutions being implemented by governments, communities, healthcare providers, and funders to address these concerns. Includes policy recommendations.
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Grantmakers In Aging
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Telehealth Private Payer Laws: Impact and Issues
Analyzes the body of state-level telehealth reimbursement policies, which has grown rapidly in both size and scope since 2010. Seeks to understand how these policies impact telehealth utilization, and the effect private payer laws have on selected commercial payers. Includes information on payment parity laws, modalities, site restrictions, Medicaid policies, and more.
Additional links: Executive Summary
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Center for Connected Health Policy: The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center, Milbank Memorial Fund
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Southwest Telehealth Resource Center Helps Rural Providers Connect
Highlights the work of the Southwest Telehealth Resource Center, which supports the region's healthcare providers through telehealth training and technical assistance.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Regional Differences in Rural and Urban Mortality Trends
Findings brief exploring mortality trends from 1999-2015. Includes statistics for all-cause U.S. mortality rate with breakdowns by rural and urban locations and all-cause mortality for rural counties with breakdowns by 9 census divisions.
Author(s): Abby Hoffman, Mark Holmes
Date: 08/2017
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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