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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Type: Document

The Influence of Telehealth for Better Health Across Communities
Describes the use of Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO), a videoconferencing peer learning application used by healthcare providers in predominantly rural areas of Missouri for the treatment of COVID-19–positive patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, COPD, and hypertension. Discusses implications for public health and ways to optimize health system performance.
Author(s): Jane A. McElroy, Tamara M. Day, Mirna Becevic
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 17
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
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Population Point Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Based on a Statewide Random Sample — Indiana, April 25–29, 2020
Reports on estimated prevalence of current or previous SARS-CoV-2 infection in late April 2020 among Indiana residents 12 years of age and older. Includes data for urban, rural/mixed, and rural areas.
Additional links: Erratum
Author(s): Nir Menachemi, Constantin T. Yiannoutsos, Brian E. Dixon, et al.
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 69(29), 960-964
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Independent Evaluation of Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+): Second Annual Report
Reports on the first two program years of the CPC+, a CMS primary care payment and delivery reform effort. Discusses CPC+ participating practices, payer partners, and health information technology (HIT) vendors supporting the program. Describes practices changes and outcomes for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Includes statistics with breakdowns by rural, suburban, or urban practice location.
Additional links: Appendices to the Supplemental Volume, CMS Perspective Report, Findings at a Glance, Supplemental Volume
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Mathematica
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Effectiveness of Interventions to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Among American Indians and Alaska Natives
Uses data on participants from 3 tribally operated healthcare clinics in rural areas to study whether direct mailing of fecal immunochemical test kits is effective in increasing colorectal cancer screening among American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Author(s): Donald Haverkamp, Kevin English, Jasmine Jacobs-Wingo, Amanda Tjemsland, David Espey
Citation: Preventing Chronic Disease, 17
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
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Advance Care Planning: New Realities in Times of COVID-19
Examines the challenges of advance care planning, planning for decision-making in times of medical crisis, due to COVID-19. Shares insights from clinicians and others involved in helping rural patients.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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The DNA of Program Sustainability: Findings from a Study of Federal Office of Rural Health Policy Grantees
Reports on the factors that contribute to program sustainability after grant funding ends, based on a study of Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program grantees. Discusses leadership, collaboration, alignment between need and demand, data use, and policy expertise as contributors to sustainability for rural programs.
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Georgia Health Policy Center
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Insights for What Enhances or Undermines Trust in Hospital Settings
Reviews research on the trust rural and underserved populations have in hospitals. Highlights dimensions of patient trust identified by researchers. Profiles a study by the Colorado Hospital Association examining the relationship between patient and family engagement activities and patient trust in rural hospitals. Includes a discussion on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals.
Author(s): Bonnie Austin Cluxton
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: AcademyHealth
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Leveraging the Built Environment for Health Equity: Promising Interventions for Small and Medium-Size Cities
Examines changes small and medium-size cities can make to the built environment to promote health. Identifies promising practices related to developing interventions and overcoming implementation challenges. Includes discussion of the needs of small rural cities.
Author(s): Martha Fedorowicz, Joe Schilling, Emily Bramhall, et al.
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Urban Institute
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Left Out: Barriers to Health Equity for Rural and Underserved Communities
Summarizes responses to a Request for Information from the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee's Rural and Underserved Communities Health Task Force. Describes factors contributing to healthcare challenges in rural areas, including demographics, social and structural determinants of health, insurance coverage, access to care, and workforce shortages. Highlights promising models of healthcare delivery in rural areas. Includes state-by-state health equity maps.
Additional links: State and Territory Health Equity Maps, Summary
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: House Ways and Means Committee
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Post-Acute Skilled Nursing Care Availability in Rural United States
Policy brief focusing on availability of post-acute skilled nursing care in rural areas, through swing bed programs in Critical Access Hospitals, short-term general hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities. Examines characteristics of counties with and without post-acute skilled nursing care, and what factors are associated with counties without this type of care. Features statistics with breakdowns by micropolitan, noncore, and all rural county locations.
Author(s): Darcy McMaughan, Ifedioranma O. Anikpo, Scott Horel, Jennifer Ozmetin
Date: 07/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Southwest Rural Health Research Center
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