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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Type: Document

Federal Funding for Rural Health: Supporting Planning and Development Around a Regional Transportation Need
Features Rides to Health and Wealth, a regional transportation program in eastern Missouri helping improve rural healthcare access and other health-related transportation needs. Includes discussion of how the program planning and development continued during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Author(s): Kay Miller Temple
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates: 2019
Highlights from the 2019 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE), which provides single-year median household income and poverty statistics. Includes county-level maps showing income and poverty rates in 2019 and changes from 2007 to 2019.
Author(s): Staci Bell, Sara Robinson
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Association of CMS-HCC Risk Scores with Health Care Utilization among Rural and Urban Medicare Beneficiaries
Research brief exploring healthcare utilization by rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries in order to better understand CMS Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs) and accurately apply the CMS-HCC risk score model. Analyzes 2014 CMS-HCC risk score data for different healthcare outcomes, including inpatient and outpatient ER visits, acute inpatient stays, and hospital readmissions, comparing rural and urban populations.
Author(s): Tyler Malone, Denise Kirk, Randy Randolph, Kristin Reiter
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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CMS Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) 2014 Risk Scores Are Lower for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries than for Urban Beneficiaries
Research brief discussing the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk adjustment model developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), comparing data on metropolitan, micropolitan, and non-core regions. Presents data on beneficiary distribution, average risk scores, risk scores by race/ethnicity, and healthcare utilization using 2014 CMS Risk Score Files, which were the only data available.
Author(s): Tyler Malone, Denise Kirk, Randy Randolph, Kristin Reiter
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: North Carolina Rural Health Research Program
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Washington's Behavioral Health Workforce: Barriers and Solutions - Phase II Report and Recommendations
Report highlights an assessment of the barriers affecting the Washington State's behavioral health workforce and discusses potential policy solutions to address them. Includes recommendations pertaining to reimbursement incentives, training, and reciprocity agreements, among other barriers to address throughout the state, including in rural areas.
Author(s): Julia G. O'Connor, Nova E. Gattman, Liz Coleman, et al.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: UW Center for Health Workforce Studies, Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
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Characteristics of Residential Care Communities by Percentage of Resident Population Diagnosed With Dementia: United States, 2016
Examines characteristics of residential care communities and their residents by the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Includes dementia prevalence data for metropolitan and nonmetro areas.
Author(s): Manisha Sengupta, Christine Caffrey
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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Survey of Teen Noise Exposure and Efforts to Protect Hearing at School — United States, 2020
Examines noise exposure among youth 12-17 years of age in a school setting. Reports on frequency of exposure, provision of hearing protection devices, and whether prevention techniques were part of the curriculum. Includes data for metropolitan and nonmetro areas.
Author(s): John Eichwald, Franco Scinicariello
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 69(48), 1822-1826
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Improve Maternal Health
Describes the state of maternal health in the United States, including data and statistics on mortality and morbidity. Discusses risks to maternal health, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, infectious diseases, mental health conditions, intimate partner violence, and more. Recommends strategies and actions that individuals, organizations, and communities can implement to improve maternal health and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Includes rural references throughout.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Healthy Women, Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Futures: Action Plan to Improve Maternal Health in America
Action plan outlining steps the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is taking to reduce maternal mortality and address disparities that endanger women before, during, and following pregnancy. Four main goals include: improving prevention and treatment services to promote positive health outcomes for every woman of reproductive age; prioritizing quality improvement efforts to support healthy pregnancies and births; improving postpartum health; and enhancing data and research to inform future interventions. Includes data and statistics on maternal health and morbidity, and addresses rural considerations throughout.
Author(s): Dawn Alley, Andre Chappel, Nancy De Lew, et al.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Case Study: Exploring Options to Deploy Capitated Payments to Enhance Primary Care in Rural Settings
Discusses the need for primary care services in rural areas. Provides an overview of healthcare delivery models that utilize capitated payments. Presents examples of capitated payment agreements aimed at increasing the use and quality of primary care services in rural communities, and offers lessons learned.
Date: 12/2020
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: American Hospital Association
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