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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Type: Document

Case Study: Health Coaches Partner with Community Members to Achieve Health and Wellness Goals
Details key steps and lessons learned to implementing a Health Coach program at Saunders Medical Center in Wahoo, Nebraska. Describes the program serving Wahoo and its surrounding communities. Provides education and advocacy for patients' overall health that produced positive results in 4 areas: mental health, breast health, diabetes, and obesity.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, Edge Wellness, Family Service Lincoln, Saunders County Prevention Coalition, Saunders Medical Center, Three Rivers Public Health Department, Wahoo Parks and Recreation
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State Operations Manual Appendix Z - Emergency Preparedness for All Provider and Certified Supplier Types Interpretive Guidance
Interpretive guidelines clarifying several provisions of the emergency preparedness final rule for Medicare- and Medicaid-participating providers, which affects Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and other rural facilities.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Case Study: Rural Health System Partners with Local Fitness Centers and Small Businesses to Improve Workplace Wellness
Outlines Henderson Health Care Services' reaction to a 2015 community health needs assessment (CHNA) that identified fitness and nutrition as community concerns. Composed of a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) and several specialty and primary care clinics, the Henderson, Nebraska-based rural health system launched a workplace wellness program called Body @ Work. The program offers area employees reduced membership rates at participating fitness centers, wellness education, and other preventive care opportunities such as blood pressure checks at the workplace.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bryan Health
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Case Study: Partnership Enables Hospital to Provide Local Access to 24-Hour Health Care Through Telemedicine
Shares the approach of Seward, Nebraska-based Memorial Health Care Systems' "convenience campaign," which focuses on using technology to meet the needs of a younger-than-average patient base. Discusses building partnerships and utilizing new technologies to improve healthcare accessibility through same-day clinics, online communications, and 24/7 virtual care.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, Early Adopter Partner, Memorial Health Care Systems
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Case Study: Hospital Partners with Technology Provider to Engage and Connect with Community for Better Health
Shares details of a new health and life services model implemented at Jefferson Community Health and Life in Fairbury, Nebraska. Describes the use of online tools to integrate health and life services via an online wellness dashboard with the goal of inspiring people to make healthier lifestyle choices. Includes information about the model's approach, key steps, results, and lessons learned.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bryan Health
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Case Study: Hospital Partners with Local High Schools to Prepare Students for Health Care Professions
Discusses the structure and organization of Box Butte General Hospital's (BBGH) Health Professions Club, which engages local high school students in healthcare career preparation activities in Alliance, Nebraska. Covers program goals, including educating area students about healthcare careers and creating and recruiting a well-prepared rural healthcare workforce.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Bryan Health
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Case Study: Community Fitness Initiative Helps Lower Childhood Obesity Rates
Details key steps and lessons learned of community stakeholders in Lexington, Nebraska, regarding an initiative aimed at reducing local childhood obesity rates. Using a partnership approach, leaders at Lexington Regional Health Center successfully implemented a community-wide program, the Community Fitness Initiative (CFI), to reduce obesity rates in area schools.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, City of Lexington Nebraska, Lexington Community Foundation, Lexington Public Schools, Lexington Regional Health Center
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Sample Network Balanced Scorecard Materials
Health information technology (HIT) network balanced scorecard improvement plan and strategy map samples for networks interested in incorporating the balanced scorecard methodology into their strategic plans.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Case Study: Hospital and School District Partner for Emotional Health
Describes an initiative started by leaders of the Fillmore County Hospital and Fillmore Central Public Schools to address behavioral health issues among the student population in Fillmore, Nebraska. Details program goals to connect high risk students with specialized help and promote ongoing mental health wellness through educator, parent, and student training.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organizations: Bryan Health, Fillmore Central Panthers, Fillmore County Hospital
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Kansas County-Level Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Designations
Listing of Primary Care, Dental Health, and Mental Health HPSA designations for all counties in Kansas, including designation type (population or geographic) and HPSA score.
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Kansas Office of Primary Care and Rural Health
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