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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Type: Document

Health, United States, 2003: With Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans
Presents an annual overview of national trends in health statistics. Covers health status and determinants, healthcare utilization, access, and expenditures. Includes data on rural areas - see index under "metropolitan/nonmetropolitan data." 2003 edition includes a special feature on diabetes.
Date: 2003
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Center for Health Statistics
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State of the Health Workforce in Rural America: Profiles and Comparisons
Overview of rural healthcare workforce issues. National and state-by-state data on the healthcare workforce, with rural-urban comparisons and interstate comparisons. Also includes data on rural healthcare facilities.
Author(s): Eric H. Larson, Karin E. Johnson, Thomas E. Norris, et al.
Date: 2003
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: WWAMI Rural Health Research Center
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Hypertension, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Weight, and Weight Control Activities Among Non-Metro Minority Adults
Reports on hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol screening, weight control, and exercise among rural populations, with an emphasis on rural minorities.
Additional links: Fact Sheet: Diagnostic Risk Factors & Improvement Activities Among Rural African Americans, Fact Sheet: Diagnostic Risk Factors & Improvement Activities Among Rural Hispanics
Author(s): P. Daniel Patterson, Charity G. Moore, Janice C. Probst, Michael E. Samuels
Date: 12/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Analysis of the Financial Conditions of Health Care Institutions in the Appalachian Region and their Economic Impacts
Describes the availability of healthcare services in Appalachia, the financial stability of Appalachian healthcare institutions, and the effect of hospital closures on Appalachian counties.
Author(s): Jeffrey Stensland, Curt Mueller, Janet Sutton
Date: 12/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Appalachian Regional Commission
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The Role of Community Mental Health Centers As Rural Safety Net Providers
Case studies of three Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) serving rural populations in Maine, Minnesota, and Oregon to determine if acting as a mental health safety net provider was within their mission.
Author(s): David Hartley, Donna C. Bird, David Lambert, John Coffin
Date: 11/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Access to Care Among Rural Minorities: Children
Examines rural minority children and the factors affecting their health insurance coverage and health services use. Includes policy recommendations and statistical information.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Janice C. Probst, Charity Moore, Karin Willert Roof, Elizabeth G. Baxley, Michael E. Samuels
Date: 11/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Demand For Medical Services Among Previously Uninsured Children: The Roles of Race and Rurality
Examines the use of medical services over nearly two years among newly insured and continuously insured children, ages six through twelve, in the CHIP and Medicaid programs in South Carolina and West Virginia.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Karen Goldsteen, Raymond L. Goldsteen
Date: 10/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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Hospitals That Have Not Yet Converted: Is CAH Still an Option?
Identifies reasons for hospitals not to have converted to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) status. Lists questions that could be used to help understand why a hospital has not converted and discusses related issues, with the goal of helping State Flex Program managers provide needed assistance related to CAH conversion.
Date: 10/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Technical Assistance and Services Center
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State Licensure Laws and the Mental Health Professions: Implications for the Rural Mental Health Workforce
Examines licensure statutes and administrative rules for social workers, psychologists, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists in the 40 states that have at least 10% of the population living in rural areas. Covers scope of practice, training and supervision, and reimbursement.
Author(s): David Hartley, Erika C. Ziller, David Lambert, Stephenie L. Loux, Donna C. Bird
Date: 10/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Maine Rural Health Research Center
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Access to Care Among Rural Minorities: Older Adults
Examines health status and health services use among poor and minority older adults in nonmetropolitan areas. Includes data on demographics, functional limitations, health insurance coverage, and physician visits.
Additional links: Fact Sheet
Author(s): Janice C. Probst, Michael E. Samuels, Charity G. Moore, Joette Gdovin
Date: 10/2002
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural and Minority Health Research Center (formerly the South Carolina Rural Health Research Center)
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