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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Type: Document

Predictors of Access to Healthcare: What Matters to Rural Appalachians?
Examines a rural Appalachian community's perceived access to healthcare and identifies the predictors of access to healthcare in a poor, rural, medically undeserved area.
Author(s): Susan L. Wilson, Cynthia Kratzke, Jill Hoxmeier
Citation: Global Journal of Health Science, 4(6), 23-35
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Culture as a Social Determinant of Health
Describes the role that culture plays in health for Native Americans. Discusses the importance of cultural competence for healthcare providers, and includes recommendations for healthcare providers and policymakers.
Author(s): James Knibb-Lamouche
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Health and Medicine Division (HMD), National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
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Rural Health in Pharmacy Curricula
Reports on the status of rural specialized education and training within colleges and schools of pharmacy as of December 2011.
Author(s): Kim Thrasher, Shanna K. O'Connor, Pamela U. Joyner
Citation: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(9), 180
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Palliative Care Rural Initiative Dissemination Model and Implementation Guide
Includes tools, best practices, and lessons learned associated with implementing care coordination models to help rural community hospice organizations meet the needs of veterans. Created within a collaboration of the National Rural Health Resource Center and the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 23 and designed to be replicated by other VISNs.
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Rural Health Resource Center
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Why Do Some Critical Access Hospitals Close Their Skilled Nursing Facility Services While Others Retain Them?
Examines the factors related to the operation of skilled nursing services by Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and specifically the factors related to closure of skilled nursing units by some CAHs and the continued provision of these services by others. Addresses the impact of swing beds.
Author(s): John A. Gale, Zachariah T. Croll, Andrew F. Coburn, Walter R. Gregg
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Community Benefit Activities of Critical Access Hospitals, Non-Metropolitan Hospitals and Metropolitan Hospitals, 2010
Compares Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) to non-metropolitan non-CAHs (non-metro hospitals) and metropolitan (metro) hospitals using a set of community benefit indicators developed by the Flex Monitoring Team (FMT).
Author(s): Zach Croll, John Gale, Andrew Coburn
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Flex Monitoring Team
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Nutritional Status and Socio-Ecological Factors Associated with Overweight/Obesity at a Rural-Serving US-Mexico Border University
Examines the prevalence of obesity and the environmental factors associated with promoting weight gain and not being conducive to weight loss at a U.S.–Mexico border university serving rural populations.
Author(s): Susan Wilson, Amanda Gallivan, Cindy Kratzke, Anup Amatya
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(4), 2228
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Rural Older Adults' Mental Health: Status and Challenges in Care Delivery
Examines the mental health service needs of, and use by, independently living rural older adults, with a focus on depression.
Author(s): Emilee Bocker, Michael Glasser, Kimberly Nielsen, Vicki Weidenbacher-Hoper
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12, 2199
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Main Challenges Facing the Pharmaceutical Sector in Buchanan County, Virginia: A Pilot Study
Discusses the challenges facing the pharmaceutical component of rural community health care. Provides suggestions for improving the sector in Buchanan County, Virginia, a poor and marginalized area in Central Appalachia.
Author(s): Paul Gavaza, Wenfei Yan, Jennifer Campbell
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(4), 2125
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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Mental Health and Aging Initiative: Intervention Component Effects
Evaluates the Mental Healthiness and Aging Initiative (MHAI) intervention in rural Kentucky and finds that it is feasible and has increased awareness and knowledge about mental health and substance abuse and aging.
Author(s): Faika Zanjani, Tracy Davis, Tina Kruger, Deborah Murray
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 12(4), 2154
Date: 11/2012
Type: Document
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