Rural Health
Resources by Type: Document
Appalachian Women's Perspectives on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Examines barriers and facilitators to better understand breast and cervical cancer screening among Appalachian women, and identifies methods to increase cancer screening.
Author(s): Nancy Schoenberg, Tina Kruger, Shoshana Bardach, Britteny M Howell
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 13(3), 2452
Date: 09/2013
Type: Document
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Examines barriers and facilitators to better understand breast and cervical cancer screening among Appalachian women, and identifies methods to increase cancer screening.
Author(s): Nancy Schoenberg, Tina Kruger, Shoshana Bardach, Britteny M Howell
Citation: Rural and Remote Health, 13(3), 2452
Date: 09/2013
Type: Document
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Summer in the Country: Changes in Medical Students' Perceptions Following an Innovative Rural Community Experience
A summer program developed by University of Missouri School of Medicine for second-year medical students to work with rural, community-based physician preceptors designed to increase the students interest in rural practice. Discusses the students perceptions of rural practice and lifestyle and reports on the student's choices of specialties and initial practice locations.
Author(s): Kevin Y. Kane, Kathleen Quinn, James J. Stevermer, et al.
Citation: Academic Medicine, 88(8), 1157-1163
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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A summer program developed by University of Missouri School of Medicine for second-year medical students to work with rural, community-based physician preceptors designed to increase the students interest in rural practice. Discusses the students perceptions of rural practice and lifestyle and reports on the student's choices of specialties and initial practice locations.
Author(s): Kevin Y. Kane, Kathleen Quinn, James J. Stevermer, et al.
Citation: Academic Medicine, 88(8), 1157-1163
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Effects of PROSPER on the Influence Potential of Prosocial Versus Antisocial Youth in Adolescent Friendship Networks
Examines whether PROSPER, an evidence-based intervention, affects adolescent friendship networks with the goal of reducing peer influence toward antisocial behavior in 14 rural and small town school districts in Iowa and Pennsylvania. Discusses using social networks to address problem behaviors and potential implications to reduce peer influence encouraging problem behaviors, such as substance use and delinquency.
Author(s): D. Wayne Osgood, Mark E. Feinberg, Scott D. Gest, et al
Citation: Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(2), 174-179
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Examines whether PROSPER, an evidence-based intervention, affects adolescent friendship networks with the goal of reducing peer influence toward antisocial behavior in 14 rural and small town school districts in Iowa and Pennsylvania. Discusses using social networks to address problem behaviors and potential implications to reduce peer influence encouraging problem behaviors, such as substance use and delinquency.
Author(s): D. Wayne Osgood, Mark E. Feinberg, Scott D. Gest, et al
Citation: Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(2), 174-179
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Rural-Urban Differences in Health Behaviors and Implications for Health Status Among U.S. Cancer Survivors
Examines health behavior differences among rural and urban cancer survivors in the U.S. Determines associations between self-reported health status and health-related unemployment and associations between health behaviors and health status. Includes rural versus urban information on marital status, race/ethnicity, education, cancer type, health insurance, employment, BMI, smoking habits, alcohol use, and physical activity.
Author(s): Kathryn E. Weaver, Nynikka Palmer, Lingyi Lu, L. Douglas Case, Ann M. Geiger
Citation: Cancer Causes and Control, 24(8), 1481-1490
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Examines health behavior differences among rural and urban cancer survivors in the U.S. Determines associations between self-reported health status and health-related unemployment and associations between health behaviors and health status. Includes rural versus urban information on marital status, race/ethnicity, education, cancer type, health insurance, employment, BMI, smoking habits, alcohol use, and physical activity.
Author(s): Kathryn E. Weaver, Nynikka Palmer, Lingyi Lu, L. Douglas Case, Ann M. Geiger
Citation: Cancer Causes and Control, 24(8), 1481-1490
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Sources and Perceptions of Indoor and Ambient Air Pollution in Rural Alaska
Identifies indoor and outdoor air pollution issues and areas of concern for the Yukon-Kuskokwim and Ahtna regions of Alaska. Includes demographics and primary and secondary home heating practices for both regions.
Author(s): Desirae Ware, Johnnye Lewis, Scarlett Hopkins, et al.
Citation: Journal of Community Health, 38(4), 773-780
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Identifies indoor and outdoor air pollution issues and areas of concern for the Yukon-Kuskokwim and Ahtna regions of Alaska. Includes demographics and primary and secondary home heating practices for both regions.
Author(s): Desirae Ware, Johnnye Lewis, Scarlett Hopkins, et al.
Citation: Journal of Community Health, 38(4), 773-780
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Washeteria Closures, Infectious Disease and Community Health in Rural Alaska: A Review of Clinical Data in Kivalina, Alaska
Assesses the rates of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and skin infections associated with prolonged washeteria closures for a village of 400 people on an Alaskan barrier island. There is no in-home piped water or sewage on the barrier island; the washeteria is the village's only source providing public showers, laundry facilities, and flush toilets.
Author(s): Timothy K. Thomas, Jake Bell, Dana Bruden, Millie Hawley, Michael Brubaker
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 72(1), 21233
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Assesses the rates of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and skin infections associated with prolonged washeteria closures for a village of 400 people on an Alaskan barrier island. There is no in-home piped water or sewage on the barrier island; the washeteria is the village's only source providing public showers, laundry facilities, and flush toilets.
Author(s): Timothy K. Thomas, Jake Bell, Dana Bruden, Millie Hawley, Michael Brubaker
Citation: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 72(1), 21233
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Rural Disparities in the Distribution of Policies That Support Healthy Eating in US Secondary Schools
Highlights a study on food and nutrition policies in secondary schools drawing on data from the 2008 School Health Profiles principal survey from 28 states. Compares results by urban, suburban, and rural geographic areas.
Author(s): Marilyn S. Nanney, Cynthia S. Davey, Martha Y. Kubik
Citation: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(8), 1062-1068
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Highlights a study on food and nutrition policies in secondary schools drawing on data from the 2008 School Health Profiles principal survey from 28 states. Compares results by urban, suburban, and rural geographic areas.
Author(s): Marilyn S. Nanney, Cynthia S. Davey, Martha Y. Kubik
Citation: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(8), 1062-1068
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Promoting Use of Booster Seats in Rural Areas Through Community Sports Programs
Presents a study based on surveys of 20 rural communities in 4 states about booster seat use for children ages 4-7. Analyzes results of surveys given before and after participating in a 4-6 week community T-ball program that disseminated information about the importance of booster seats in child passenger safety. Control communities were only given a brochure about the topic at the time of the survey.
Author(s): Mary E. Aitken, Beverly K. Miller, Byron L. Anderson, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), s70-s78
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Presents a study based on surveys of 20 rural communities in 4 states about booster seat use for children ages 4-7. Analyzes results of surveys given before and after participating in a 4-6 week community T-ball program that disseminated information about the importance of booster seats in child passenger safety. Control communities were only given a brochure about the topic at the time of the survey.
Author(s): Mary E. Aitken, Beverly K. Miller, Byron L. Anderson, et al.
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), s70-s78
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Trends in Observation Care Among Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries at Critical Access Hospitals, 2007 – 2009
Highlights a study on the prevalence and duration of observational care in Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) compared to Prospective Payment System (PPS) hospitals using Medicare claims data from 2007-2009, as well as 2007 American Hospital Association data to identify hospitals as CAHs or PPS hospitals and whether they were in rural or urban areas.
Author(s): Brad Wright, Hye-Young Jung, Zhanlian Feng, Vincent Mor
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), s1-s6
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Highlights a study on the prevalence and duration of observational care in Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) compared to Prospective Payment System (PPS) hospitals using Medicare claims data from 2007-2009, as well as 2007 American Hospital Association data to identify hospitals as CAHs or PPS hospitals and whether they were in rural or urban areas.
Author(s): Brad Wright, Hye-Young Jung, Zhanlian Feng, Vincent Mor
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), s1-s6
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Perspectives on Healthy Eating Among Appalachian Residents
Reports on a study based on a focus group made up of rural Appalachian Kentuckians, discussing perceptions of healthy eating, barriers to maintaining a healthy diet, and recommendations for making improvements within their communities. Results are distributed by participant demographics, such as age, race, and annual income, among others.
Author(s): Nancy E. Schoenberg, Britteny M. Howell, Mark Swanson, Christopher Grosh, Shoshana Bardach
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), 25-34
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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Reports on a study based on a focus group made up of rural Appalachian Kentuckians, discussing perceptions of healthy eating, barriers to maintaining a healthy diet, and recommendations for making improvements within their communities. Results are distributed by participant demographics, such as age, race, and annual income, among others.
Author(s): Nancy E. Schoenberg, Britteny M. Howell, Mark Swanson, Christopher Grosh, Shoshana Bardach
Citation: Journal of Rural Health, 29(s1), 25-34
Date: 08/2013
Type: Document
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