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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Type: Database

AGing Integrated Database (AGID): ACL Special Tabulations
Provides access to American Community Survey data for the 60 and older population, covering topics that include demographics, employment, poverty, disability status, and more for 2017-2021. Also provides county-level data.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Community Living
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EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online
Access to community-level information on facilities and their compliance with environmental regulations. Includes information on air emissions, surface water discharges, hazardous waste, and drinking water systems.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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Analyze Trends: EPA/State Drinking Water Dashboard
Access to data on public water systems regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act program. Includes information on which public water systems are regulated, inspections, violations, and enforcement actions. To access information on specific water systems, select a state and then click Export under each chart to see which systems have been inspected, have violations, and so on.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports Data Query
Interactive tool for accessing national and state data from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports, including trends. To view national rural trends, click the "National" tab, select "Metropolitan Status" under subject area, and "Micropolitan" or "Noncore" under topic. To view national rural trends for the impact of COVID-19 on ambulatory care and nursing homes, click the "Special Emphasis" tab and select "Location of Residence" under population category.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs
A searchable database of cancer control interventions and program materials, designed to provide program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to program materials. Includes programs used in rural settings.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: National Cancer Institute
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Frontier and Remote Area Codes: Data Set
Provides access to zip code-level frontier and remote area (FAR) codes to meet the need for delineation that is geographically detailed and adjustable for applications in diverse research and policy contexts.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)
Interactive database system that provides fatal and nonfatal injury, violent death, and cost of injury data from a variety of sources. Offers fatal injury data available by metropolitan/nonmetropolitan status in the Fatal Injury Reports module of the Create Tables section. U.S. Map of Injury Related Deaths in the Explore module of the Create Visualizations section provides access to county-level data.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Ohio Health Care Provider Report and Information Extract
Identifies healthcare facilities licensed or certified by the Ohio Department of Health, Office of Health Assurance and Licensing. Includes Medicare/Medicaid certified hospitals, home health agencies, Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and more.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: Ohio Department of Health
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Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes
A list of rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) code data sets, including RUCA codes by ZIP code. RUCA codes classify U.S. census tracts using measures of population density, urbanization, and daily commuting. The most recent RUCA codes are based on data from the 2010 decennial census and the 2006-10 American Community Survey decennial census.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Online tool for accessing Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project data. Provides access to health statistics for hospital inpatient and emergency department settings, as well as population-based healthcare data on counties. Includes data on diagnoses and procedures, quality indicators, and all stays.
Type: Database
Sponsoring organization: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
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