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Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Tribal communities

Rural Health on Life Support
Podcast episode discussing the effects of policy on rural maternal health outcomes and access to maternity care services. Covers racial and ethnic disparities in severe maternal morbidity and mortality and the role of state policies, including Medicaid policies, on maternal and infant health.
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organization: Impact! Communications, Inc.
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2023 Scorecard on State Health System Performance
Evaluates state health systems on a state-by-state basis. Enables comparison between state health systems across 58 measures, such as access and affordability, prevention and treatment, reproductive care and women's health, and racial and ethnic equity, among others.
Author(s): David C. Radley, Jesse C. Baumgartner, Sara R. Collins, Laurie C. Zephyrin
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organization: Commonwealth Fund
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American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start Eligibility through Tribal TANF: Overview of ACF-IM-HS-23-02 and FAQs
A recorded webinar that provides information on eligibility and tribal control related to American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children in Head Start programs. Includes a webinar, transcript, frequently asked questions, resources, and webinar slides.
Additional links: Transcript, Webinar Slides
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Children and Families
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STI Federal Implementation Plan for the United States: 2021-2025
Outlines federal actions aimed at reducing the burden of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States through 2025. Covers federal partners' commitments to programs, policies, research, and other activities during fiscal years 2021–2025 to meet the goals of the Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan for the United States: 2021–2025. Includes action steps related to tribal communities.
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Evaluation of the Cherokee Nation Hepatitis C Virus Elimination Program — Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma, 2015–2020
Reports results for the first five years of the Cherokee Nation Health Services hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination program, which includes universal HCV screening, primary HCV workforce expansion, and harm reduction services.
Author(s): Whitney Essex, Molly Feder, Jorge Mera
Citation: MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report), 72(22), 597-600
Date: 06/2023
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Trauma-Informed Supervision in Tribal Child Welfare (Part 2 of 2): The Essential Need for Adaptive Leadership and Reflective Practice
The second in a webinar series focused on trauma-informed supervision in tribal child welfare. Focuses on how trauma-informed leadership informs supervision and offers practical strategies to implement adaptive and reflective practices.
Author(s): Kimee Wind-Hummingbird, Lisa Stark
Date: 05/2023
Sponsoring organization: Capacity Building Center for Tribes
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CARE Data Principles, Indigenous Data, Data Related to Indigenous Peoples and Interest
Offers principles for ethical use of Indigenous data with focus on collective benefit, authority to control, responsibility, and ethics (CARE). Discusses implementation of CARE principles, language, and resources for learning more.
Author(s): Sarah Barsness, Jewel Cummins, Maria Victoria Fernandez, et al
Date: 05/2023
Sponsoring organization: Data Curation Network
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Characterizing Social Insecurity in a Rural North Carolina Emergency Department
Results of a study exploring, characterizing, and quantifying the social insecurity profile of emergency department patients at a rural teaching hospital in southeastern North Carolina with a large Native American population. Uses data from a survey questionnaire administered in May and June 2018, focusing on food insecurity, transportation insecurity, and exposure to violence.
Author(s): Elizabeth Gignac, Godwin Y. Dogbey, Aleksandr Pevtsov, et al.
Citation: Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 24(3), 538–546
Date: 05/2023
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American Indians and Alaska Natives and the American Community Survey
Webinar recording presents an overview of the American Community Survey (ACS) data collection process for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Discusses how to access data and provides resources for users.
Additional links: Webinar Slides, Webinar Transcript
Date: 05/2023
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Census Bureau
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Building Capacity with American Indians and Alaska Natives to Handle Hazardous Materials and Respond to Emergencies
Report details the NIEHS Worker Training Program initiative to train American Indian and Alaska Native workers and communities to handle hazardous materials and public emergencies. Highlights the courses offered, such as chemical emergency response, asbestos awareness, and infectious disease awareness, among others. Discusses the need for training in AI/AN communities and identifies the tribal nations that have received the training.
Date: 05/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
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