Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Tribal communities
Demonstration Grants to Strengthen the Response to Victims of Human Trafficking in Native Communities (VHT-NC) Program: Interim Report
Provides an overview of Victims of Human Trafficking in Native Communities (VHT-NC) projects that aim to provide culturally responsive and trauma informed support to Native American people who have experienced human trafficking. Discusses the evaluation process of VHT-NC projects with a focus on understanding human trafficking within the VHT-NC communities (including rural and tribal); project design, structure, and partnerships; outreach to victims and identification approaches; case management and service delivery; and community training.
Author(s): Elizabeth Tibaduiza, Christina Melander, Rebecca Pfeffer, Ada Melton, Rita Martinez
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Administration for Children and Families, American Indian Development Associates, RTI International
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Provides an overview of Victims of Human Trafficking in Native Communities (VHT-NC) projects that aim to provide culturally responsive and trauma informed support to Native American people who have experienced human trafficking. Discusses the evaluation process of VHT-NC projects with a focus on understanding human trafficking within the VHT-NC communities (including rural and tribal); project design, structure, and partnerships; outreach to victims and identification approaches; case management and service delivery; and community training.
Author(s): Elizabeth Tibaduiza, Christina Melander, Rebecca Pfeffer, Ada Melton, Rita Martinez
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Administration for Children and Families, American Indian Development Associates, RTI International
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New Markets Tax Credit Investments in Native Areas: Selected Case Studies and Best Practices
Presents findings, case studies, and best practices for Native entities participating in the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund's New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Native Initiative. Bases findings on surveys with past participants and provides examples of programs on reservations, off-reservation communities, and Native Hawaiian and Alaskan communities.
Author(s): Kevin Klingbeil, Chloe Adler, Harry Maher, et al.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, U.S. Department of Treasury
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Presents findings, case studies, and best practices for Native entities participating in the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund's New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Native Initiative. Bases findings on surveys with past participants and provides examples of programs on reservations, off-reservation communities, and Native Hawaiian and Alaskan communities.
Author(s): Kevin Klingbeil, Chloe Adler, Harry Maher, et al.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, U.S. Department of Treasury
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Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program in Rural America: Policy Brief and Recommendations to the Secretary
Provides an overview of issues related to the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) in rural areas. Discusses the history of home visiting and the MIECHV program, Tribal MIECHV, program structure, eligible models, and promising approaches. Highlights three evidence-based home visiting models in Oregon that receive MIECHV funding. Offers policy recommendations related to improving MIECHV for rural families.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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Provides an overview of issues related to the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV) in rural areas. Discusses the history of home visiting and the MIECHV program, Tribal MIECHV, program structure, eligible models, and promising approaches. Highlights three evidence-based home visiting models in Oregon that receive MIECHV funding. Offers policy recommendations related to improving MIECHV for rural families.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
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Medicaid and CHIP Renewals Webinar Focused on Reaching Special Populations: Reaching American Indian and Alaska Native Populations
A recorded webinar with strategies and resources to use in communicating with American Indian and Alaska Native people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP about how to maintain health insurance coverage. Transcript provided, along with the link and password to access the webinar recording.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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A recorded webinar with strategies and resources to use in communicating with American Indian and Alaska Native people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP about how to maintain health insurance coverage. Transcript provided, along with the link and password to access the webinar recording.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Reaching Out to American Indian and Alaska Native People about Medicaid and CHIP Renewals
Information and resources for communicating with people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP about how to maintain health insurance coverage. Includes strategies specific to reaching American Indian and Alaska Native people.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Information and resources for communicating with people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP about how to maintain health insurance coverage. Includes strategies specific to reaching American Indian and Alaska Native people.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Further Extension of Grace Period Related to the "Four Walls" Requirement under 42 C.F.R. § 440.90 for Indian Health Service and Tribal Facilities to February 11, 2025
Guidance announcing the extension of a grace period permitting Indian Health Service (IHS) and tribal facilities to claim Medicaid reimbursement under the clinic services benefit for services provided outside of the "four walls" of the facility through February 11, 2025. Provides an overview of the history of this flexibility during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) and previous guidance.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Guidance announcing the extension of a grace period permitting Indian Health Service (IHS) and tribal facilities to claim Medicaid reimbursement under the clinic services benefit for services provided outside of the "four walls" of the facility through February 11, 2025. Provides an overview of the history of this flexibility during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) and previous guidance.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
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Report to Congress on the Outcome Evaluations of Administration for Native Americans Projects
Provides an overview of 2020 Administration for Native Americans (ANA) projects, with a focus on each project's goals, objectives, accomplishments, and relevant data. Summarizes 33 projects that aim to promote social/cultural, environmental, and economic health and sustainability in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations, with several projects addressing population health in rural areas. Discusses the impacts of COVID-19 on ANA projects.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Children and Families
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Provides an overview of 2020 Administration for Native Americans (ANA) projects, with a focus on each project's goals, objectives, accomplishments, and relevant data. Summarizes 33 projects that aim to promote social/cultural, environmental, and economic health and sustainability in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations, with several projects addressing population health in rural areas. Discusses the impacts of COVID-19 on ANA projects.
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organization: Administration for Children and Families
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Oregon by the Numbers - Key Measures for Oregon and Its Counties
Breaks down demographic and socioeconomic data in Oregon by county. Highlights data on various measures for each county such as food insecurity, unemployment rate, adult smoking, broadband access, and percent rural versus urban, among others.
Additional links: En Español
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Ford Family Foundation, Oregon State University Rural Studies Program
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Breaks down demographic and socioeconomic data in Oregon by county. Highlights data on various measures for each county such as food insecurity, unemployment rate, adult smoking, broadband access, and percent rural versus urban, among others.
Additional links: En Español
Date: 09/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Ford Family Foundation, Oregon State University Rural Studies Program
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10 Leading Causes of Death Among American Indians by Year, South Dakota, 2006–2022
Highlights the leading causes of death in American Indian communities in South Dakota from 2006 to 2022. Ranks causes, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke, among others, by year.
Date: 08/2023
Sponsoring organization: South Dakota Department of Health
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Highlights the leading causes of death in American Indian communities in South Dakota from 2006 to 2022. Ranks causes, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke, among others, by year.
Date: 08/2023
Sponsoring organization: South Dakota Department of Health
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Community Economic Development in Indian Country: Market Research Report
Explores existing research on community economic development in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Aims to identify challenges, history, and available funding that shape community economic development in Native communities.
Author(s): Kevin Klingbeil, Chloe Adler, Harry Maher, et al.
Date: 08/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, U.S. Department of Treasury
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Explores existing research on community economic development in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Aims to identify challenges, history, and available funding that shape community economic development in Native communities.
Author(s): Kevin Klingbeil, Chloe Adler, Harry Maher, et al.
Date: 08/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, U.S. Department of Treasury
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