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Resources by Topic: Tribal communities

United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking: Annual Report 2023
Offers recommendations to the President's Interagency Task Force regarding human trafficking. Report outlines types of human trafficking and discusses the differences in sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Discusses rural and tribal communities throughout.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking
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Redlining The Reservation: The Brutal Cost Of Financial Services Inaccessibility In Native Communities
Report discusses the lack of financial services for American Indian communities. Explores the consequences of a lack of financial investment in native communities, such as a lack of small businesses, new construction, and economic growth. Provides county-level and tribe-level data for Arizona and New Mexico. Discusses the effect this has on social determinants of health.
Author(s): Dave Castillo, Bruce C. Mitchell, Jason Richardson, Jad Edlebi
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Community Reinvestment Coalition
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Common Causes of Death among American Indian people in Montana
Presents data on American Indian (AI) mortality in Montana. Highlights common causes of death for the state's AI population by age group from 2017 to 2021 and discusses strategies for prevention.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
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Research Note Showing That the Rural Mortality Penalty Varies by Region, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States, 1999–2016
Evaluates rural mortality penalties by region, race, and ethnicity using 1999-2016 CDC WONDER data. Identifies regional variations in metro versus nonmetro mortality disparities experienced by Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, White, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native populations.
Author(s): Danielle Rhubart, Alexis Santos
Citation: Demography, 60(6), 1699-1709
Date: 12/2023
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Interest in Shared-Use Mobility Services in Tribal Communities
Explores the impact that technology-enabled, shared-use mobility services such as rideshare, carshare, bikeshare, microtransit, and more may have on rural and tribal areas. Identifies relevant literature on shared-use mobilities services, a case study based on a tribal community in Oklahoma, and best practices and challenges related to emerging transit technologies.
Author(s): Ranjit Godavarthy, Jill Hough
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
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Health Equity: A Native American Perspective
Discusses health equity from a Native American perspective. Highlights a model of equity that goes beyond overcoming barriers around access and incorporates cultural knowledge, spiritual well-being, and community involvement, among other factors.
Author(s): John Lowe
Citation: Milbank Quarterly
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: Milbank Memorial Fund
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Confronting Workforce Shortages and Health Worker Well-Being
Six videos addressing the impact of healthcare worker shortages and how those shortages affect individual well-being and the ability to provide care in rural communities. Includes a keynote presentation by the Chief Medical Officer of the Indian Health Service. Transcripts available under the descriptions of the videos.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: National Academy of Medicine
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Who is Served by USDA Rural Broadband Projects? Study Shows Smaller Share of Eligible American Indians and Alaska Natives Reached by ReConnect
Examines which populations were reached in fiscal years 2009-2021 by three USDA rural broadband programs: the Broadband Initiatives Program, the Community Connect grant program, and the ReConnect grant and loan program. Provides information about each program, its service area, and obligations. For the ReConnect program, looks at eligibility and project approval by race/ethnicity, educational attainment, poverty, and population 65 and older, with particular discussion of disparities in access for eligible American Indian and Alaska Native populations.
Author(s): John Pender
Citation: Amber Waves
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: USDA Economic Research Service
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Water and Wastewater in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region: Twentieth Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States
Report discussing drinking water and wastewater needs along the U.S.-Mexico border. Offers recommendations regarding coordination of services for underserved and tribal communities, infrastructure funding, and long-term planning. Discusses issues specific to rural areas, colonias, and tribal communities such as climates risks, health disparities, and more. Lists federal funding sources.
Author(s): P. Ganster, I. Coronado, J. McNeece, et al.
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organizations: Good Neighbor Environmental Board, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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The Association Between Tribal Transit And Food Insecurity Status among Native Americans in North Dakota
Examines the relationship between food insecurity in rural tribal areas and transportation access. Analyzes 2022 survey data from Native American respondents in North Dakota and reports on respondent demographics, traditional indigenous food pathways, factors leading to food insecurity, disability and health status, availability of transportation, and more. Provides information on Native American reservations and populations as well as strategies to reduce food insecurity.
Author(s): J. Hough, J. Mattson, H. Al Qublan, B. Rahman
Date: 12/2023
Sponsoring organization: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
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