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Rural Health Information Hub

Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Tribal communities

Tribal Affairs
Provides an overview of CDC partnerships and programs supporting tribal public health. Features tribal health data, publications, funding, documentation, and other resources facilitated by the CDC Office of Tribal Affairs and Strategic Alliances (OTASA).
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Funding Rural Podcast
Series of rural philanthropy-related podcasts sponsored by The Roundhouse Foundation, dedicated to supporting programs that inspire creativity, connect people with each other, and ensure sustainability for the economic success of rural Oregon communities, including tribal lands.
Sponsoring organization: The Roundhouse Foundation
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Native Community Data Profiles
Provides interactive data profiles and maps of Native communities, including American Indian reservations, Alaska Native village statistical areas, Hawaiian home lands, and other Native geographies. Covers geographic characteristics, population, demographics, housing, transportation, internet, healthy food, and healthcare, including data on life expectancy, primary care physicians, dentists, hospitals, births, and deaths. Displays key infrastructure locations, including Indian Health Service facilities.
Sponsoring organization: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
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National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Public GIS Data
Offers geospatial data, maps, and applications on National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and other federal broadband grant programs. Includes links to Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program, Connecting Minority Communities, and Broadband Infrastructure Program dashboards.
Sponsoring organization: National Telecommunications and Information Administration
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Fond du Lac Keeps Mammograms a Priority During Pandemic
Case study describing a mobile breast cancer screening partnership implemented by the Fond du Lac Reservation's Human Services Division and Park Nicollet healthcare system. Discusses outreach practices and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on service availability.
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Blue Beads Campaign Teaches American Indian Community About Colorectal Cancer
Case study providing an overview of a CDC-funded American Indian Cancer Foundation program promoting colorectal cancer awareness among American Indian and Alaska Native people through partnerships with tribal and urban health clinics. Highlights program impacts, and discusses the significance of efforts to promote screening and reduce disparities in Native communities.
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Health Disparities in American Indian or Alaska Native People
Offers data and statistics on HIV, STDs, viral hepatitis, and tuberculosis diagnoses among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). Highlights infection rates among AI/AN populations and compares them to Whites. Presents links to further information.
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Tribal Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Case study on the Three Fires Cancer Consortium, a training and support program focused on promoting colorectal cancer screening and reducing disparities in tribal communities in Michigan. Includes discussion of patient navigation, cultural appropriateness, and more.
Sponsoring organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board - Native Health Resources
Provides culturally competent public health resources and materials pertaining to infectious disease prevention, youth and adolescent health, and reproductive health, among others for programs serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
Sponsoring organization: Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
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Access to Capital Clearinghouse
Database of available funding for Tribal governments, organizations, and individuals from across the federal government.
Sponsoring organization: Bureau of Indian Affairs
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